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Synopsis: Draft 2

Potential title: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World

The Set-up (BEGINNING):
A childrens playground in the early afternoon. The swings are slowly swinging. The
roundabout rotates. A young man walks down the pathway outside the park, with his hands
in his pockets. He turns his head to the left slightly, and stares into the playground. He stops
in his tracks, and begins to stare. Another young man is seated on the swing, whilst a young
woman sits on his lap. She smiles at the other young man, and leans her head on his
shoulder. The other young man grasps her shoulders tightly, and closes his eyes. They sit
silently for a few seconds. The other young man opens his eyes, and turns his head slightly
towards the young man. His eyes narrow and his mouth muscles tense. The young man
quickly turns his head away, and begins to walk forwards at a fast pace. He lifts his right
hand and rubs his face gruffly. He turns his head around to look at the other young man.
The other young man has his eyes fixed upon him. The young woman is still leaning on his
shoulder. The young man turns his head forwards and increases his walking pace.

The Confrontation/Development
The young man walks further down the pathway, and stops in his tracks. A beautiful girl is
sitting on a bench. Her back is hunched slightly. She holds a half-empty bottle of Budweiser
loosely in her hand. The young mans eyes widen. He stares at her hair. Blonde. Her lips. Her
cheeks. Her eyes. The young man steps forwards and stutters. The beautiful girl whisks her
head around. Her hair flows softly in the wind. She looks up at the young man, and smirks.
The young man jumps slightly, and then laughs nervously. He slowly reaches down and puts
his hand in his back pocket. He fumbles around quickly. His facial expression tenses. The
beautiful girls expression turns to a slight grimace. The young man pulls from his back
pocket a half-eaten Snickers bar. The wrappers movement remains motionless. The young
man slowly extends his hand towards the beautiful girl with the Snickers bar in tow. She
looks down at the Snickers bar, and laughs. She then smiles at the young man, and shakes
her head. Her hair flows as her head moves from side to side. The young man sits down on
the bench precariously. His right hand touches the bench seat and he quickly wipes his hand
on the back of his shirt. The beautiful girl reaches her free hand over, and touches his left
hand. She opens his palm. The boys eyes widen. His breathing rate intensifies. He laughs
and exhales. His mouth muscles twitch up even further.
The Dramatic Premise
The beautiful girl lets go of the young mans hand, and lifts the bottle of Budweiser in the
air, in his direction. She nods her head at it, and smiles. The young mans expression
changes to look of dismay. Panic begins to flow through his body. His breathing rate
intensifies at an even higher rate. His left hand remains motionless. He whips his head
around to look behind him. He whips his head to the left. He whips his head to the right. He
whips his head back to the beautiful girls face. He slowly peers down at the bottle of
Budweiser. Its contents swirl around slowly within the bottle. He slowly lowers his left hand
down into his lap. The beautiful girl stares intently into his eyes. The young man stares back,
and his eyes continuously twitch. He slowly extends his right hand towards the beautiful girl.
The beautiful girls smiles and places the bottle in his outstretched hand. The young man
looks down at the bottle again. He then returns his gaze towards the beautiful girl. She nods
her head, slowly. The young man turns his head back towards the bottle. His hand trembles.
He flexes his bicep as he raises the bottle towards his lips. The beautiful girls eyes widen.

The Resolution (END)
The young man stops moving his hand. The bottle shakes precariously by his lips. He turns
his head towards the beautiful girl. His eyes narrow. His expression turns to a look of
disgust. He slowly lowers his hand, and offers the beautiful girl the bottle. The beautiful girl
takes the bottle, and looks down at it. She lifts her head up and looks into the young mans
eyes. She scoffs. She looks him up and down briefly. She lifts the bottle to her mouth. She
takes a big gulp of the substance. She looks back at the young man. Beer drops pour from
her bottom lip. She turns her head away, and puts the Budweiser bottle down on the
ground. She puts her hands on her knees and stands up. She walks down the pathway. The
young man watches her walk. He looks at her erect figure; her swishing hair; her swaying
shoulders. The young man turns his gaze towards the ground. He looks at the Budweiser
bottle for a few moments. He closes his eyes briefly, and rubs his face. He sighs heavily. He
puts his hands on the bench and stands up. He walks down the pathway. He walks past the
childrens playground. He turns his head to look into the playground. The other young man
stares at him. The young woman is still leaning on his shoulder. The young man keeps eye
contact with the other young man whilst he continues to walk. His expression remains
blank. The young man blinks, and turns his head away from the pair in the playground. He
faces forward, and walks past some bushes, now out of view from the pair in the

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