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Six-Point Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Listening to Stories, Identifying Key Details
Materials/Resoures !eeded: "ld/#sed iPod/iP$one %staff and &arents an donate old de'ies t$ey no
longer use or (ant), ear *uds, *oo+s for students to read along to t$at $a'e ,at$ing audio do(nloaded in
t$e iPod/iP$one-
-.oo+: /T$e 0el'eteen Ra**it1
2udio .oo+s: Curious George, Junie B. Jones, Clifford,etc.
2rtile: $tt&://($os($oandne(-*logs&ot-o,/3456/45/lu+y-(it$-te$nology-$t,l
Fous and
Su,,ari7e t$e &re'ious lesson8 /9esterday, you:ll re,e,*er (e &ratied *rainstor,ing (ords t$at desri*e our story
(e read during Read 2loud1-
-Today, you ,ay use so,e of t$ose sa,e (ords to desri*e anot$er story you (ill read in lass today, or use different
ones as you ans(er ;uestions a*out t$e ontent of t$e story you $oose to read-
%!=S=S referene)
Confrm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by
asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarifcation if something is not
Children will practice understanding of key details and answering questions pertaining to their read aloud
accessed through the recycled i!one "i!ad# after read aloud is completed.
->a'e t$e +ids sit at t$e front of t$e lassroo,
-I (ill read a s$ort story out loud to t$e ($ole lass as a grou&- %?x- /T$e 0el'eteen Ra**it1)
-2fter reading t$e /0el'eteen Ra**it1 story to t$e lass, I (ill as+ ;uestions &ertaining to t$e story and (e
(ill disuss t$e ans(ers as a lass-
@uestions to as+ after grou& read aloud:
-/A$en (as t$e ra**it first gi'en to t$e *oyB1
-/A$o (as t$e ra**it:s *est friend in t$e nurseryB1
-/A$ere did t$e story ta+e &laeB1
-/>o( did t$is story endB1
/Aere t$e *oy and t$e ra**it *est friendsB1
-I (ill all on seleted students, after t$ey 'olunteer to ans(er and raise t$eir $ands, and t$ey (ill ans(er
Six-Point Lesson Plan
t$e 'arious disussion ;uestions in 5-3 sentenes- If t$ey are inorret, I ,ay as+ anot$er ;uestion to
diret t$e, in t$e rig$t diretion, or I ,ay all on anot$er student to ans(er, if t$e &re'ious students:
ans(er (as a little far off-
-If t$e students are orret in t$eir ans(er, I (ill &raise t$e, for *eing orret, t$en ex&lain to t$e lass
%reiterate t$at story e'ent) furt$er, on ($y t$at ans(er is orret-
-For ?nglis$ Language Learners, or students (it$ 2o,,odations, I ,ay as+ t$e, a ;uestion diretly t$at
I +no( t$ey are a&a*le of ans(ering, and allo( t$e, a $ane to $a'e a turn ans(ering- 2lso, t$is $el&s
,e analy7e ($et$er or not t$ey are follo(ing along/+ee&ing u& (it$ t$e diretions and rest of t$e lass-
-If I find t$e ?LL or students (it$ 2o,,odations are falling *e$ind, I ,ay reread t$e story, and as+ t$e,
;uestions ($ile reading, so I an see ($ere in t$e story t$ey are getting lost-
-Students are gi'en t$e $ane to sit ($ere t$ey (ant in t$e lassroo, to start reading/follo(ing along (it$
an audio *oo+ on t$eir iPod/iP$one-
-Monitor and =irulate t$e lassroo,-
-2ssist students if t$ey are $a'ing trou*le understanding or follo(ing along to t$e story *eing read to t$e,
on t$eir iPod-
-2ns(er any ;uestions t$ey ,ay $a'e onerning t$eir *oo+, $o( to get to t$e audio on t$eir iPod, or ($at
t$ey are to do for ea$ ;uestion on t$eir (or+s$eet-
-Pro'ide a *oo+ for t$e $ildren to ta+e $o,e (it$ t$e, and read, o,&leting an assess,ent (or+s$eet
after reading t$e *oo+-
-Pro'ide assess,ent ;uestions to $e+ for o,&letion, su$ as: 5) Desri*e t$e setting of t$is story-3)
List t$e ,ain $araters of t$e story-
-=$ildren are to o,&lete t$is assign,ent (it$out any assistane-
/Today (e learned $o( to &ratie our understanding of a story:s +ey details *y ans(ering ;uestions a*out
our *oo+s (e read along to1-
-2s+ for a 'olunteer to say ($at t$eir *oo+ (as a*out, ($o t$e ,ain $arater (as, and ($ere t$e setting
of t$e *oo+ (as-
-Say, /!o( you guys understand +ey details of a story and $o( to ans(er ;uestions a*out our stories-1
-For assess,ent 'ia a ;ui7, assign ea$ student a *oo+ and a (or+s$eet (it$ ;uestions relating to t$at
*oo+- T$e $ildren (ill read t$eir *oo+ indi'idually and t$e o,&lete t$e ;ui7 after-T$e students s$ould
de,onstrate CDE auray on t$e ;ui7 to s$o( ,astery-
Six-Point Lesson Plan
!otes: Different (ay of integrating te$nology, and also (on:t ost and ,oney for t$e reyled iPods/iP$ones, sine &arents
and staff are donating t$eir old de'ies t$ey no longer $a'e use for- May*e <ust F34 out of t$e s$ool *udget/ your o(n
&o+et, for F5 ear*uds for t$e $ildren to $a'e t$eir o(n &air to use for listening, if t$e s$ool doesn:t already $a'e so,e on

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