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Running Head: Woman foundation 1

Woman Foundation how are they diferent: Between two websites.

Fernando Tovar
University of Teas at !" #aso
Woman foundation
$t is im%ortant to %arti&i%ate in the &ommunity and to donate. The
'adies #rofessiona" (o"f )sso&iation *'#()+ has a"ways eem%"i,ed these two
ideas via their many websites. )"though they %ut a "ot of fo&us on their
donations and vo"unteer o%%ortunities- it is im%ortant to %oint out that they
are a &om%any ,rst and their foundation a"ways &ome se&ond. $n these two
websites they see. out he"%- it is im%ortant to %oint out one is a &or%orate
website and the other one is a subside foundation that is design of this
%ur%ose. )s a viewer we have to understand that in su&h a big &om%any
there are many bran&hes su&h as .ee%ing u% with the %"ayers- foundations-
history- and et&. This ty%e of %rogram is very diversi,ed. !ven though there
is a great diferen&e in the fo&us of these two sites they share the same goa"-
to get %eo%"e a&tive in their res%e&tab"e &ommunities and to donate. The
ob/e&t is to he"% other %eo%"e- however how they %resent su&h information
wi"" vary in these two sites and shou"d get a diferent res%onse.
There are many diferent genres that dea" with donating and
%arti&i%ating in the &ommunity yet its hard to %ut diferent ty%es of genres
out to the %ub"i&. For eam%"e- a &ommer&ia" is not a very su&&essfu" way to
&ommuni&ate the message to %eo%"e if the foundation is not ba&.ed by a big
business it wi"" "a&. &ontent and so"id air time whi&h "eads to very few %eo%"e
wat&hing it. )"so with the ty%e of genre even the %rodu&tion of su&h
&ommer&ia" is time &onsuming and the money &ou"d go to he"%ing more
%eo%"e in their eyes. For this ty%e of genres whi&h is websites it is a &"oser
%"aying ,e"d be&ause the &ontent is the on"y thing se%arating these two sites
Woman foundation
yet their message is %er&eived so diferent"y. What the audien&e has to
remember is the %oint is to donate to a &redib"e website be&ause there are
a"" ty%es of foundations that &an ma.e a diferen&e if we ta.e the time to
he"% them out.
Audience and Purpose
The audien&e for the ,rst website is dire&ted toward a go"f enthusiasti&
so&iety. )s $ stated before this ty%e of website is going to be "oo.ed into
be&ause of the go"f game es%e&ia""y womens go"f. This ty%e of site %ut
womens go"f game ,rst- yet there is three donate "in.s that &an be seen
&"ear"y in the ,rst %age with big tit"e that states their goa" and how mu&h has
this &or%orate &om%any donated sin&e the beginning of this year. This is a
high1ris. audien&e but in a game "i.e go"f it %ays out most of the %eo%"e that
%"ay go"f are midd"e to high &"ass &iti2ens and from &ommuni&ating with
them over the years these %eo%"e want other %eo%"e to "earn the game. This
audien&e is more "i.e"y to donate their time and money towards he"%ing
other %eo%"e. For this website a"though the audien&e might not be " to
"ogin to this website dire&t"y they wi"" ,nd the o%%ortunity to do so through
this site.
For the se&ond website it is e%e&ted that this site is "i.e a referen&e to
them. $t is a"most "i.e they said for more information visit our site. This
website dis%"ays a greater amount of information- throws their history as a
foundation goa" of he"%ing %eo%"e and other o%%ortunities "i.e s&ho"arshi%s
Woman foundation
and grants. )"most anything fo&uses on their foundation he"%ing %eo%"e out
and getting them to vo"unteer with severa" o%tions. The audien&e for this
website &ou"d be a teenage gir" money for &o""ege to a business man
donating his resour&es to %ut together an event to raise money for and
under%rivi"eged after s&hoo" %rogram. This site has been out there for a "ong
time and many of its most nob"e vo"unteers and "eaders with in the
&ommunity are women that on&e needed this he"% and now are trying to give
another gir" an edge in "ife with the o%%ortunity to go to &o""ege. $n this ty%e
of organi2ation it is very fami"y oriented and so is the audien&e it is "i.e a
ri%%"e efe&t to he"% someone out that wi"" ins%ire them to he"% someone e"se
in the future.
Both of these sites have a &"ear goa" of he"%ing other %eo%"e yet their
audien&es are not mu&h a"i.e. Whi"e the ,rst site wi"" introdu&e a "ot of one
time donors the other site tries to bring %eo%"e from &ommunities together
and have su&&ess in .ee%ing u% with a"" the %rograms and growing enough to
the %oint where they &an ofer a great number of %eo%"e o%%ortunities su&h
as going to &o""ege. The audien&e doesnt de,ne the goa" of these sites
whi&h is to inform %eo%"e on how their money is being used. They .ee% their
members u%dated with new %rograms they are trying to %ut out there for the
"ess fortunate. These two sites he"% the members stay a&tive by sending
them emai"s on a &onstant basis to donate more for a new foundation or to
vo"unteer in a "o&ation by their area of "iving. Both of these sites try to .ee%
members as a&tive as they %ossib"y &an to their goa"s and organi2ations. 4ne
Woman foundation
of these sites has a "one fo&us in he"%ing %eo%"e whi"e the other one has
donating and their foundation is /ust a %art in what theyre trying to do as a
Between these two genres- whi&h are websites of foundations- yet they
show a great diferen&e in %athos. This is with the re%resentation of %i&ture
to show their a&&om%"ishment. The ,rst website shows numbers- there is no
%i&ture of their organi2ation he"%ing out %eo%"e in the &ommunity. The
se&ond website shows the emotions in %eo%"es fa&es that are being he"%ed
through this s%e&i,& foundation. The ,rst website does not try to fo&us on
the %athos sin&e their front %age states how mu&h money it had &o""e&ted.
6Through the asso&iation- its members and tournaments- the '#() has
generated more than 70889 for &harities-:. *'adies go"f- 0813+ $n the se&ond
website there are many "in.s to donate money and vo"unteer near your
&ommunity whi&h &an be se"e&ted by &"i&.ing the %i&tures of %eo%"e being
a&tive in their &ommunity. This website fo&uses on emotions from %eo%"e
re&eiving the he"% and o%%ortunity for %rofessiona" ath"etes to ta". about how
he"%ing others have been a b"essing. 6Throughout its 08 year history- (ir"s
(o"f has em%owered a tota" of more than 188-888 gir"s through go"f:. They
are ab"e to &ommuni&ate this to the audien&e with videos %osted in a se&tion
that %eo%"e &an see and ta.e as eam%"es from the %ros. $n the other website
there is "ess emotion and more &or%orate views &"ear"y state the fa&t of how
mu&h money the foundation se&tion has &o""e&ted and how mu&h is their goa"
Woman foundation
for the year or the month. The &or%orate website does have "in.s to the
foundations yet they do not have any %i&ture or des&ri%tion with emotions
"i.e the other website had. This ty%e of website has a fo&us on se""ing
%rodu&t by to% name brands than informing the viewer on donating and
getting invo"ved in the &ommunity.
There is great ethos to both of these sites yet for diferent reasons the
,rst site is a &or%orate &om%any that s%ends a "ot of time and money
sure this website a&&urate"y de,nes their &om%any. 'i.e any big &om%any
theyre etreme"y fa&tua" and wou"d be misre%resented if said otherwise.
The '#() is an a&&redited s%ort asso&iation a&ross many nations and a"" the
information is based on fa&tua" eviden&e re"ated to its %"ayers and
organi2ation and foundations. This is a %erfe&t eam%"e when ta".ing about
their foundation a"" the information is fa&tua" and to the %oint. The se&ond
organi2ation &an be trusted be&ause of the re&ognitions it has re&eived for
diferent human organi2ations. With those re&ognitions they gain the
&redibi"ity and trust- whi&h is what ethos is about. Both of these websites
have a high ethos stru&ture in their individua" sites yet for two diferent
reasons one shou"d not be better than the other.
The "ogi& for having these sites is easy to inter%ret. The ,rst site
sense be&ause it is &or%orate and any big &om%any now these days needs a
Woman foundation
site. They want to de"iver as mu&h information as they &an about the %"ayers
%rodu&ts and the foundation itse"f. The se&ond site has the %ur%ose to he"%
other %eo%"e. This site is a starting %oint for %eo%"e that want to get invo"ved
to re&eive information and a start with a membershi%. The "ogi& for these two
sites is diferent but it wor.s for these two sites. 4ne is a &or%orate &om%any
the other one is a &"ear smart foundation.
The stru&ture of this website is diferent yet not messy unti" you try to
,nd information of the organi2ation for the ,rst site. 4n the basi&s they eist
for two diferent reasons. The ,rst site is &or%orate and green on the outside
there are videos %"aying in the main %age and there are "in.s to seven or
eight diferent other %ages running a&ross the to%. The site "oo.s organi2ed
yet the information is a"" over the %"a&e es%e&ia""y when youre trying to ,nd
a "in. to their foundation. This is a sign that they have added a foundation
"ater on and that is why they havent fo&used so mu&h of their efort in
dis%"aying it on their main %age. This foundation was estab"ished in 0881 and
it is &"ear that this website is not in &"ear fo&us. The site starts to %rovide
information about the %ro go"fers to its s%e&tators then throws sho%%ing from
a foundation into the miture. The "ogi& behind the foundation &an be an
emotiona" a%%ea" to their &or%orate ways */ust to ma.e them "oo. good+. The
se&ond site shows a stri&t and diferent a%%roa&h to their foundation-
anything you ,nd in this %age wi"" be re"ated to their foundation. This site has
a better organi2ation with its foundation- whi&h is shown sin&e a"" this site is
Woman foundation
used for is for that %ur%ose. For the "ogi&a" %ur%ose of having a foundation
the ,rst site does have a messy a%%roa&h to how they want to inter%ret its
foundation on a &om%any stand1%oint. The se&ond site is &"ear"y organi2ed in
one to%i&- its foundation.
Style/ Language
The writing sty"e for the ,rst site is a%%ears to be &ontro""ed and edited
by many %eo%"e in a very &ho%%y de"ivery. This does %oint out how this site is
&or%orate. There is no mista.e to %oint out that this site was edited on a
&onstant basis by diferent writers. $n this ty%e of website it on"y in&"udes
short %hrases that summari2e an arti&"e or an event *this has a &"i&. on "in.
to a %aragra%h in a diferent %age+. The tet itse"f is easy to understand
be&ause it shou"d be toward the genera" %ub"i& of go"fers " to be
informed. $t shou"d be %ointed out in order to understand some of the words
in this %a%er they wou"d have to have a genera" .now"edge of the game of
go"f. There are no &ode words but &ommon words for the game used
amongst the go"f &ommunity.
The se&ond %a%ers the "anguage is more nurturing and ins%iring. This
site is organi2ed "i.e this be&ause it is run by women for women. $t is %ossib"e
that this ty%e of writing %romotes &omfort and ins%iration to the ones that
need it. The sty"e of writing is easy to understand be&ause %eo%"e from a""
e&onomi& ba&.grounds and diferent %arts of the &ounty are &a%ab"e of
understanding it. )"though it is re"ated to the game of go"f it is not as
Woman foundation
te&hni&a" as the other site- there is no need for genera" .now"edge about the
game one must .now before fu""y understanding the tet.
$n &on&"usion- there are both diferen&es and simi"arities in these
websites. )"though they are about the same to%i& the sty"e of writing and
stru&ture of the sites are diferent. How the ethos- %athos- and "ogos are
&ommuni&ated vary be&ause as a reader we have to understand one is
&or%orate and b"and with their foundation on"y an added bonus and the
se&ond site is su%%osed to be the nurturing ba&.bone of the other
Woman foundation
"adies go"f@ &or%orate. *n.d.+. Sponsorhip Opportunities. Retrieved Ae%tember
05- 0815- from htt%:@@www."%ga.&om@&or%orate@"adies1go"f@s%onsorshi%1
We"&ome to the '#() Foundation. *n.d.+.Home. Retrieved Ae%tember 0>-
0815- from htt%:@@www."

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