Domination Station Docx2

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Domination Station

Team Leader: Lauren Eide
Structural Engineer: Trevor Storey
Aesthetic Engineer: Logan Swartz
Technology Coordinator: Aubrie Evans
1. Cardboard boxes
2. Bubble wrap
3. Cotton balls
4. Tape
5. Paper
6. Markers
7. Pumpkin
1. Place small boxes inside large box
2. Place cotton balls around minor gaps from the small
3. With additional cardboard, cut out wings and tape the
wings to two sides of the box.
4. Add decorations
5. Place pumpkin in box after it has been wrapped with bubble wrap.
6. Tape box shut
This patent pending design protects an object and/or anything alive from a fall. The Domino has special
padding build in to make the fall less harsh- no smashed pumpkins here! The padding (bubble wrap)
softens the landing, but the landing is also slowed by the shape of The Domino. With the intricate shape
and wing like design, The Domino stays in the air longer; while in the air, the object is slowed leading to
a smooth landing. The cardboard will not ruin any floors as it comes down. Safety, of all possessions, is
the number one concern at Domination Station.

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