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An Institution in Himself

The Man behind Packages Ltd, Nestle, Tetra

Pack, Coca Cola and LUMS in Pakistan
Finance Minister in caretaker Government
Former president of WWF
Head of Selection Committee for Vice
Chancellors of Different Public Universities

Youngest son of Syed Maratib Ali
Born in 1926
Got education from Government College and
Later from Michigan University and University
of Punjab
Visit to States and coming back
Witness of every turn in Pakistans events
Two Decades older than his country and still
working hard
Sense of Responsibility
Choice of Business with the development of
the Country
If you plan for a year, plant a seed. If for ten
years, plant a tree. If for hundred years, teach
the people
Believe in your people

Investment for future
He worked hard, Not only for profit and
himself but for Pakistan
Harvard of Pakistan
Nation Building Vision
A hope

Think of People First
His View about Pakistan and Solution to the
Youngsters of Pakistan should not be narrow
Haste does not bring success. Hard work,
persistent hard work, is the key

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