Acertijo Shakespeare

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Shakespeare Anthology

1. Romeo And Juliet

2. King Lear
3. Macbeth
4. Hamlet
5. Othello
"n here i! a traged"###
art thou $la"er or audience%
&e a! it ma"' the end doth remain(
all go on onl" to)ard death.
*he +ir!t )ord! at th" le+t hand(
a +al!e lunac"' a madl" dancing man.
Hearing unhearable )ord!' dra)n
to a belo,ed-! gra,e###and there'
ma"ha$' true madne!! at la!t.
A! did thi! one' $la"ing at death'
+ind true death at the la!t.
Killing a namele!! lo,er' !he
$ierced a heart rent b" !orro).
.oth lie in,ite truth%
.oth ,erit" but )ear the
ma!/ o+ +al!ehood%
Ah' thou $iti+ul' thou
mi!erable one!0
1till amid!t lie!' though the end cometh not'
)here+ore "earn +or death%
2ilt thou attend to th" belo,ed%
*ruth and lie!' li+e and death(
a game o+ turning )hite to blac/
and blac/ to )hite.
! not a !ilence brimming )ith
lo,e more $reciou! than +latter"%
A $eace+ul !lumber $re+erred to
a throne be!mirched )ith blood.
One ,enge+ul man
!$illed blood +or t)o3
*)o "outh! !hed tear! +or three3
*hree )itche! di!a$$eared thu!l"3
And onl" the +our /e"! remain.
Ah' but ,eril"...
n here i! a traged"###
art thou $la"er or audience%
*here i! nothing )hich cannot
become a $u$$et o+ +ate or an
onloo/er' $eering into the cage."
*he code i! 4352

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