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Migration and the Occupation of

Quebec territory-Blue textbook-page 88

1930-1980: Occupation of Quebec territory
occurred in different stages
1) The colonization and development of
resource regions
2) Urbanization and urban sprawl
The different population movement
transformed the territory of the province

The colonization and development of
resource regions

During the Great Depression many people
couldnt find jobs to support themselves
The govt encouraged many of these people to
move to different regions
1935, the Plan Vautrin provided funds for
people to move

The Abitibi region was a very popular place to
16 000 families moved there between 1932-
Life was hard for those that moved-harsh
climate, and no services
Lots of available land
Jobs in the natural resources industries

Cte-Nord and other parts North were also
very popular
Many companies were also interested in these
regions due the natural resources available
Railways and road were built to make
transportation easier

Jobs made a lot of Quebecers move
Cte-Nord population grew to 85 000 in 1966
from 2500 in 1941
Aboriginals way of life was threatened by
people migrating

1975-James Bay and Northern Quebec
agreement signed.
Natives wanted protection of their land and
payments in exchange for the exploitation of
the natural resources.
Huge hydro dams were built in James Bay and
other places in the North
Urbanization and Urban sprawl

Starting in the 1950s urban areas also grew
and became concentrated
Reasons: new immigrants and people leaving
the regions for the cities
Population in some rural areas dropped

Mechanization of farming led to reduce demand
for labour, so people to the city to look for jobs
Urban areas expanded into areas that were once
agricultural lands. This known as urban sprawl
The baby boom after WWII also meant that
people needed bigger homes. Plus more and
more people owned cars. So they live outside the
city and drive to work

Map Of Quebec-Areas of Migration-Cote Nord
Map Of Quebec-Areas of Migration-Abitibi
Population of Quebec Since 1980s:
renewed challenges

Since 1980 Quebec has to deal with issues
relating to declining birth rate and an aging
At the same time the diversity of different
cultures has a require the implementation of
concialiation and integration strategies

Consequences of Low Birth Rate
Starting in the 1960s the drop in the birth rate
put the renewal of the population at risk
Starting in the 1980s most families had one or
two kids
Divorce increased and common law marriages
Low birth rate among Francophones caused
fear about the survival of the Francophone

Quebec percentage of Canadas population
The Quebec govt introduces measures to
support Quebec families and to help increase
the population
Money is given to families when they have
Tax deductions increased per child

Maternity leave given to mothers and fathers
Daycare is expanded

Consequences of Aging

In 1980, 9.6 % of the population was 65 and
older compare to 5.8 in 1961
The problem will get worse due to an aging
baby boomer generation
Society must adapt as the elderly need more
care and services and increased in health costs
Less experience workers
Younger people will have to pay more taxes

Immigration Challenges

Throughout the 1980s Quebec continued to
accept more immigrants
Immigration helped to off-set the declining
birth rate
Immigrants were much more diverse compare
to previous period

They mostly came from Asia 40% , the
Americas 25% Europe 21%
1970s and 1980s Quebec started favouring
French speaking Immigrants
Today 6 of 10 immigrants speak French

Immigrants mostly settle in the cities
Laws were passed to ensure the new
immigrants adapt to Quebec way of life
The Quebec govt continue to support Bill 101
to make immigrants enrol in French schools

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