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AP Calculus AB Chapter 2.1 2.

5 Review Problems

Some quick itemsbe able to find the following derivatives.
1. y = sinx 2. f(x) = cosx 3. g(x) = tanx 4. y = secx 5. y = cotx 6. h(x)
= cscx

7. y = 6x
+ 4 + 8. y = x
cscx 9.

10. 11. cos(xy) + 3x = 7

12. y = (hint: rewrite) 13. f(x) =

Be able to find the slope of a function at a given point or the equation of the tangent line at a
given point.
14. Find the equation of the tangent line to the function y = 4x
3x + 5 at the point (-1, 4).

15. For what values of x will the function y = have a vertical tangent line?

16. For what values of x will the graph of 3x
+ 2y
9x + 6y = 4 have a horizontal tangent line?
Where will it have a vertical tangent line?

Be able to use the limit definition of the derivative to find f ' (x) and be able to use the alternate
limit definition of the derivative to find f ' (c) for some given x-value.
Write the two limit definitions here:

f ' (x) = f ' (c) =

17. Use the limit definition to find f ' (x) for f(x) = . 18. Find f '(3) for f(x) = x
4x. Use alt.
limit defn.

Know the relationship between the position, velocity, and acceleration functions. Also, know how to find average
velocity (as opposed to instantaneous velocity, or your velocity at a given moment). Know when a particle is
speeding up vs. when it is slowing down. Know what the sign of velocity indicates as well (as it relates to traveling
in a particular direction).
19. A particle moves along the x-axis and its position can be found with the function:
x(t) = t
+ 18t + 4 for t > 0 (notice that this is the position functionit functions like
s(t) does)

a) Find the position of the particle at t = 1.

b) Find the velocity function and the velocity at t = 1.

c) Find the acceleration function and the acceleration at t = 1.

d) Is the particle speeding up or slowing down at t = 1. How do you know this?

e) Find the average velocity over the interval [0, 1].

f) When does the particle move in the negative direction?

g) When does the particle change directions?

h) What is the particle's position when it is furthest to the left on the x-axis?

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