Why STEM?: Lyndon Institute

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Lyndon Institute
Coming soon to
Newport, VT:
There are more jobs... Why STEM: Careers
U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration
better wages... Why STEM: Careers
U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration
...and better job security. Why STEM: Careers
U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration
Why STEM: College

Biomedical Engineering

Computer Game Design

New Media Studies

Digital Forensics

Quantitative Finance

Business Analytics


Machine Learning



Forensic Science

Data Science

Sustainability Studies


Network Administration

Green Design
How many of these majors were available
when you were in college?
38% of college freshmen intend a STEM major.
1/3 of these students will switch out of a STEM eld
before completing their degree.
Half of US college students took some type of remedial
course after entering college. The math remediation
rate is over 50% for those entering 2-year institutions
and about 30% for those entering 4-year institutions.
Nationwide, the majority of high school graduates fail to
meet science and math college readiness measures
Why STEM: College
National Science Foundation
Why STEM: Life
Why STEM: Life
Summary: Why STEM?
There are major problems in the world, and we need
perseverant, collaborative, creative problem solvers.
There are rewarding, lucrative jobs available to our
alumni in these elds, but too few choose these paths.
There are empowering educational opportunities
available to our students, but too few are taking
advantage of them and too many are underprepared
for the challenge.
STEM Division Priorities
Improve communication & collaboration between disciplines
Improve horizontal alignment
Continue alignment of math curriculum to Common Core
State Standards
Expand early intervention & credit recovery options
Study & consider adoption of Next Generation Science
Incorporate Earth & Space Science into curriculum
Expand computer science and engineering courses
Prepare for prociency-based graduation requirements

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