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S History
Grade 11
Post-World War II United States and America in a new Global Age (20
#$ Wee%s
&escri'tion o( te co!rse)
*is co!rse will co+er ,ra - and . o( te /icigan State standards (or ig scool social
St!dents will be starting wit ,ra - wic starts wit te 0old War and its ca!ses1 conditions1
and im'acts o( te 0old War on te United States. *o'ics tat will be s'eci(ically (oc!sed on are te
origins and beginnings o( te 0old War1 (oreign 'olicy d!ring te 0old War1 and te end o( te 0old
World War II and te 0old War bro!gt many domestic canges to te United State in te (or!m
o( demogra'ic canges1 domestic 'olicies1 con(licts1 and tensions. 2actors witin demogra'ic
canges tat will be ta!gt will be canges in 'o'!lation distrib!tion1 s'atial 'atterns and density1 3aby
3oomers1 new immigration1 s!b!rbani4ation1 re+erse migration o( A(rican Americans to te So!t1 and
te (low o( 'o'!lation to te 5S!nbelt.6 Policy concerning domestic iss!es will 'rimarily (oc!s aro!nd
te callenging iss!es o( domestic anticomm!nism (/c0artyism"1 labor1 'o+erty1 ealt care1
in(rastr!ct!re1 immigration1 and te en+ironment as well as te 'olicy decisions and legislati+e actions
to meet tese callenges. St!dents will ten com'are te +ario!s newly (o!nded domestic 'olicies
(ormed by 7oose+elt1 8onson1 and 7eagan against eac oter and weig te 'ros and cons. 9ast o( te
domestic 'olicies will be te con(licts and tension bro!gt !' by co!rt cases s!c as 7oe + Wade and
/iranda and te :ietnam War;s e((ect on American c!lt!re. ,n+ironmental mo+ement1 woman<s rigt
mo+ement1 and Watergate will also be (oc!sed !'on.
St!dents will ten mo+e onto te 0i+il 7igts mo+ement o( te 'ost World War II era by
e=amining and analy4ing te mo+ement along wit its %ey e+ents1 'eo'le1 and organi4ation. *e im'act
o( te second World War and te 0old War on te ci+il rigts mo+ement will be te starting 'oint and
ten contin!e to te ideals o( te mo+ement onto woman<s rigts1 ci+il rigts o( minorities1 and te
tensions and reactions tat tis mo+ement ca!sed.
,ra . begins wit te im'act o( globali4ation on te United States in terms o( te United States;
economic canges1 trans(ormation o( American 'olitics1 and role in te world.
America;s role in te world will be (oc!s o( tis era and will be co+ered most in de't. It will
begin wit te United States; role as a s!'er-'ower a(ter te second World War and 0old War and te
ad+antages1 disad+antages1 and callenges tis new role ad in s!c military cases in 9ebanon1
Somalia1 Haiti1 3osnia1 and te G!l( War. *e (oc!s will ten si(t to more modern times and te .>11
terrorist attac%s and te United States; res'onses to terrorism and te canges to American domestic
and international 'olicies s'eci(ically relating to te e((ects o( tese canges in Ira? and A(ganistan.
*e year will end wit te 'olicy debates tat will '!ll %nowledge (rom te entire year in
s!b@ects s!c as wel(are1 ci+il rigts1 role o( te United States in te world1 and national economic
*e im'ortance o( istory is tied to res'onsible citi4ensi'. *o be a res'onsible citi4en1 one
m!st a+e a gras' o( te world mo+ing aro!nd tem and be able not only to a''reciate wat is
c!rrently going on1 b!t te e+ents o( te 'ast tat led to tose e+ents. *ro!g te com'letion o( tis
co!rse1 it is my goal to el' my st!dents ta%e te ste's towards res'onsible citi4ensi' and gain a better
!nderstanding o( teir world aro!nd tem and el' tem a''reciate te 'ast. St!dying te 'ast and
loo%ing at it ob@ectionably el's erase ignorance1 bias1 and oter emotions tat clo!d o'inion (rom (act.
*o be a res'onsible citi4en is to !nderstand te world yo!;re li+ing in1 bot ome and abroad.
1. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to s!mmari4e te origins and beginnings o( te
0old War.
2. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to e='lain te United States; (oreign 'olicy
d!ring te 0old War.
#. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to identi(y te reasons te 0old War ended and
e='lain te 'olitical climate tat (ollowed.
A. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to o!tline te basic demogra'ic canges tat
occ!rred in te Post-World War II America.
B. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to com'reend te +ario!s domestic iss!es tat
(ollowed te 0old War 'rimarily /c0artyism1 G.I 3ill o( 7igts1 and te *wenty-Second
Amendment to te U.S 0onstit!tion.
$. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to com'are and contrast te domestic 'olicies o(
7oose+elt;s Cew &eal1 8onson;s Great Society 'rograms1 and 7eagan;s mar%et-based domestic
D. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to analy4e and e+al!ate te 'ers'ecti+es and
contro+ersies tat te U.S S!'reme 0o!rt decisions (e.g-7oe + Wade and /iranda" bro!gt1 te
:ietnam War1 and Watergate
-. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to identi(y te %ey 'eo'le1 gro!'s1 and e+ents o(
te 0i+il 7igts /o+ement
.. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to de(ine te ideals o( te 0i+il 7igts
10. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to s!mmari4e te woman<s rigts mo+ement o(
te 1.$0s and 1.D0s.
11. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to e+al!ate te ma@or accom'lisments and
setbac%s o( te 0i+il 7igts mo+ement as a wole.
12. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to identi(y te ci+il !nrest tat occ!rred in te
American cities o( &etroit and 0icago as a res!lt o( 'o+erty and ci+il rigts.
1#. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to e='lain te trans(ormation o( American
'olitics tro!g te lens o( te conser+ati+e mo+ement1 'artisansi'1 and te role o( regional
di((erences in national 'olitics.
1A. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to e='lain te role o( te United States as a
s!'er-'ower in te 'ost-0old War world and te military missions in Somalia1 3osnia1 and te
G!l( War.
1B. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to analy4e te e((ect .>11 ad on American
domestic and international 'olicies.
1$. 3y te end o( tis co!rse1 st!dents will be able to criti?!e +ario!s national 'olicy debates s!c
as ci+il rigts1 ed!cation1 economic 'olicy1 and te role o( te United States in te world.
*e com'letion o( tese goals will el' te st!dents ta%e teir ste's towards te res'onsible
citi4ensi' mentioned abo+e. *e content o( tis co!rse is 'lanned to broaden te st!dents %nowledge
base and gi+e tem an a''reciation and !nderstanding o( istory. All o( it1 weter directly or
indirectly1 ties bac% to becoming a more res'onsible and aware citi4en o( te world.
Unit One: Cold War and the United States
Length: 6 weeks
Overall guiding question: Why was the Cold War such a pivotal event in American
Students will "e a"le to summari#e the origins and "eginnings o$ the Cold War%
Students will "e a"le to e&plain the United States' $oreign policy during the
Cold War%
Students will "e a"le to identi$y the reasons the Cold War ended and e&plain the
political climate that $ollowed%
(a)or activities: *e"ate "etween United States and U%S%S%+
EFrigins and beginnings o( te 0old War (2 wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) Wy e=actly did te United States get into te 0old WarG
E2oreign Policy d!ring te 0old War (2 wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) ,='lain te United States; stance on 0omm!nism and ow tis
tin%ing a((ected te United States; action in te 0old War.
E,nd o( te 0old War (2 wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) 0om'are and contrast te ideologies o( President 7eagan and te
U.S.S.7;s Premier Gorbace+.
Unit ,wo: *omestic -olicies
Length: 6 weeks
Overall guiding question: Wy did s!dden cange a''en in te domestic s'ere
o( American li(eG
St!dents will be able to o!tline te basic demogra'ic canges tat occ!rred in te
Post-World War II America.
St!dents will be able to com'reend te +ario!s domestic iss!es tat
(ollowed te 0old War 'rimarily /c0artyism1 G.I 3ill o( 7igts1 and te
*wenty-Second Amendment to te U.S 0onstit!tion.
St!dents will be able to com'are and contrast te domestic 'olicies o(
7oose+elt;s Cew &eal1 8onson;s Great Society 'rograms1 and 7eagan;s
mar%et-based domestic 'olicies.
St!dents will be able to analy4e and e+al!ate te 'ers'ecti+es and
contro+ersies tat te U.S S!'reme 0o!rt decisions (e.g-7oe + Wade and
/iranda" bro!gt1 te :ietnam War1 and Watergate
(a)or activities: /oc% trial o( Ci=on
E&emogra'ic canges (2 wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) Wat do demogra'ic canges re+ealG
EPolicy concerning domestic iss!es (2 wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) ,='lain te e((ect o( /c0artyism on American society.
E0om'arison o( domestic 'olicies and domestic con(licts and tensions (2 wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) Wy was te Watergate scandal signi(icant to te American '!blicG
Unit ,hree: Civil +ights in the -ost.World War // 0ra
Length: 6 weeks
Overall guiding question: Wy did te 0i+il 7igts mo+ement not accom'lis
e+ery goalG
St!dents will be able to identi(y te %ey 'eo'le1 gro!'s1 and e+ents o( te
0i+il 7igts /o+ement
St!dents will be able to de(ine te ideals o( te 0i+il 7igts mo+ement.
St!dents will be able to s!mmari4e te woman<s rigts mo+ement o( te
1.$0s and 1.D0s.
St!dents will be able to e+al!ate te ma@or accom'lisments and setbac%s o(
te 0i+il 7igts mo+ement as a wole.
St!dents will be able to identi(y te ci+il !nrest tat occ!rred in te
American cities o( &etroit and 0icago as a res!lt o( 'o+erty and ci+il
(a)or activities: 7esearc 'a'er abo!t a 'erson in+ol+ed in te 0i+il 7igts
EIdeals o( te 0i+il 7igts /o+ement (1 wee%"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) 0om'are and contrast te ideas in /artin 9!ter Hing<s
/arc on Wasington s'eec to te ideas e='ressed in te &eclaration o( Inde'endence1 te Seneca
2alls 7esol!tion1 and te Gettysb!rg Address.
EWoman<s 7igts (1 wee%"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) Wo were te (ig!reeads o( tis mo+ement and teir
EWorld War II and te 0old War;s im'act on 0i+il 7igts (1 wee%"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) &id (emale and minority in+ol+ement in World War II and te 0old
War a+e an e((ect on te s!ccess (or (ail!re" o( te 0i+il 7igts /o+ementG
E0i+il 7igts /o+ement (as a wole" (1 I wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) Wat were te o+erall accom'lisments and setbac%s o( te 0i+il
7igts /o+ementG
E,nd o( te mo+ement (1 I wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) &id te 0i+il 7igts /o+ement s'!r te !nrest in some American
cities s!c as 0le+eland or &etroitG
Unit 1our: ,he /mpact o$ !lo"ali#ation on the United States
Length: 6 weeks
Overall guiding question: ,='lain te im'act o( globali4ation on te United
States; economy1 'olitics1 society1 and role in te world.
St!dents will be able to e='lain te trans(ormation o( American 'olitics
tro!g te lens o( te conser+ati+e mo+ement1 'artisansi'1 and te role o(
regional di((erences in national 'olitics.
(a)or Activities:
E,conomic canges (1 I wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) Using te American a!tomobile ind!stry1 e='lain te canges tat
new mar%ets1 nat!ral reso!rces1 tecnology1 international com'etition1 and metods o( 'rod!ction
bro!gt to te United States; economy.
E*rans(ormation o( American Politics (A I wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) Analy4e te trans(ormation o( American 'olitics in te late 20
early 21
Unit 1ive: Changes in America's +ole in the World
Length: 2 weeks
Overall guiding question: ,=amine te si(ting role o( te United States on te
world starting (rom 1.-0 to te 'resent.
St!dents will be able to e='lain te role o( te United States as a s!'er-
'ower in te 'ost-0old War world and te military missions in Somalia1
3osnia1 and te G!l( War.
St!dents will be able to analy4e te e((ect .>11 ad on American domestic
and international 'olicies.
(a)or Activities: Pa'er abo!t te li(e o( a soldier %illed in Ira? or A(ganistan.
EUnited States in te Post-0old War World (2 wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) &id te United States ab!se its new role in military missions on te
international scaleG
E.>11 and its e((ects ($ wee%s"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) F!tline te +ario!s domestic and international 'olicy canges tat
.>11 bro!gt to te United States and its e((ect in Ira? and A(ganistan.
Unit Si&: -olicy *e"ates
Length: 3 weeks
Overall guiding question: Wy are tese iss!es im'ortantG
St!dents will be able to criti?!e +ario!s national 'olicy debates s!c as ci+il
rigts1 ed!cation1 economic 'olicy1 and te role o( te United States in te
(a)or Activities: /oc% Presidential debate
E0i+il 7igts (1 wee%"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) Wat (orms o( discrimination ((or women>minorities" are still
'resent todayG
E7ole o( te United States in te world (1 wee%"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion )Is te United States o+er!sing its 'ower internationallyG
ECational economic 'olicy (1 wee%"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) Wat are te (actors tat led to o!r c!rrent economyG
E,d!cation (1 wee%"
-S'eci(ic g!iding ?!estion) Wat needs to be done to o!r ed!cation system and wat is
're+enting tose tings (rom a''eningG
*e grading o( tis co!rse is as (ollows)
7eading J!i44es) 100 'oints
Unit Acti+ity (100 'ts eac") $00 'oints
So!rce S!mmaries (10 'ts eac") 100 'oints
Unit *est (200'ts eac") 1200 'oints
0lass Partici'ation) 100 'oints
7andom 3oo% 0ec% (2 'ts eac") 20 'oints
*otal Points) 2120 'oints
Grading Scale)
A) .BK-100K 3-) -0K--2..K &L) $$K-$...K
A-) .0K-.A..K 0L) D$K-D...K &) $#K-$B..K
3L) -$K--...K 0) D#K-DB..K &-) $0K-$2..K
3) -#K--B..K 0-) D0K-D2..K 2) B...K and lower
9ate Assignments) *ere is a 4ero tolerance on late assignments !nless it is (or a scool doc!mented
acti+ity (s'orts1 coir1 band1 etc."1 a doctor;s note (or sic%ness1 or a note (rom a 'arent>g!ardian.

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