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Regal Period and Foundations of the Republic: Reconstruction and Evidence

Myth and History

-ROMULUS and Remus (Livy, Ab Urbe Condita)
-Amulius and Numitor at Alba Longa
-Rhea Silvia, Mars, and the Twins
-Foundation of Rome and Fratricide
-Unlike other ancient societies, Romans conquered and incorporated, to
make sure those conquered were interested in the success of the empire
-Aeneas and the New Troy (Lavinium > Alba Longa > Rome)
-Aeneid and the story of Aeneas connects the Romans to the Greek saga and
Greek culture
-200 BCE Romans begin recording history

Roman Myth and Persistent Themes in Roman History
-Shared Power evolving into Monarchical Power
-Martial Themes and Warfare
-Violence and Fratricide in Roman Political Life
-Incorporation of the Defeated; Liberal Extension of Citizenship Rights
-Tension between Roman National Identity and the Allure of Greek culture
-Roman Liberty and Stance Against Tyranny-Kingship

Regal Period (753-509 BCE)
-Early Regal Period (Rome before ETRUSCANS)
Etruscan Kings of Rome
-Tarquinius Priscus (617-579 BCE)
-Tarquinius Superbus (535-510 BCE)

Etruria and Etruscan Rome
-Etruscan Heyday: 700-500 BCE
-Question of Origins
-Etruscans and Urbanization of Rome
-Public Building
-Drainage of Marshes
-Development of Forum
-Lictors (holding fasces)
-Apollo of Veii

Developments Attributed to Servius Tullius
-Centuriate System
-Centuriate Assembly: creates a citizen-army based on property
-Roman census

Modern Debates on Foundation of Republic
-Traditional Date
-510 BCE beginning of the Republic???

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