Types of Causes

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MYP Design

Wear a Cause: Inquiring & Analysing

1. Use internet resources to complete the table below with as many
organisations/causes/campaigns as you can find;
Eg. Salvation Army Homelessness Red Shield Appeal
Sumatran orang-utan Society
Critical issues involving orang-
Forests Under Threat - Save
Oxfam Environmental and
humanitarian causes.
Cancer Council all different types of cancer No Tan Is Worth Dying for
The Starlight Foundation Seriously ill children, young
people and their families
Score A Strike For Starlight
The Glenn McGrath
Breast Cancer Next Ashes raising awareness
The Skin Cancer foundation Skin Cancer March Against Melanoma
The Ronald McDonald House
Young Children in need Caffeine To Raise Awareness
Fight Cancer Foundation

Fighting All Cancers City 2 Sea
Royal Society Protection of
Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)
Banning Cruelty to Animals Makeover The World
The Leukaemia Foundation Fighting against Leukaemia

2. On one A4 sheet of paper, Create a collage of at least 12 cause related
logos. You may search for these on the internet and copy and paste them
into your page.

3. Upload all of this work onto your website in the relevant folder.

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