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Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Unit Year 7 Date:

Lesson 6: Indigenous Athletes

During this lesson students will be given the opportunity to film
their instructional video, then introduced to the Windows Movie
Maker video editing software. This ICT application will be used
to construct the instructional video on a chosen traditional
indigenous game,
Learning Focus:
To eplore an indigenous athlete and their
Success Criteria:
I can identify a prominent indigenous athlete and detail
why they are important to me,
VELS: Strands, Doain, Foci and Standard
!or"ing to#ards le$el 7 In%oration and Counications
Technolog&: Students become efficient users of ICT for
planning collaborative projects that involve creating
information products and solving problems. They publish
their work on the Internet after it has been tested and
Intercultural Understanding: learning concerned with
people and their societies, relationships and interactions, and
in conjunction with the cross-curriculum priorities for
boriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
English: !se a range of software, including word processing
programs, to confidently create, edit and publish written and
multimodal te"ts #C$%&'()*+
Location ' Setting
(rganisation ' Student )rou*s
!tudents are to work in their chosen pairs, using
personal netbooks.
Classroo anageent strateg&
" #ormal classroom rules apply
" $and up to speak
" %ne person speaks at a time
" &espect each other and property
" 'eep noise level low
+e& Voca,ular&
-aterials, .esources and E/ui*ent
" !tudents personal netbook computers
" (ssessment task * outline *+
" (ssessment task * rubric *+
)riggs , -urrumul .The Children Came )ack. for /ike (
(ssessment task * outline and rubric :located in the online
I0T.(DUCTI(0 1 23 inutes
Engageent, !ar U* Acti$ities
-AI0 4(DY 1 56 inutes
)uiding In/uir& and 7ractise
C(0CLUSI(0 1 23 inutes
Sharing, E8*laining and .e$ie#ing In/uir&
Engage 926 inutes:
When students are seated and role has been marked
begin with the following ice breaker2introductory
" Can &ou nae an& Australian Indigenous
" !hat s*ort do the& ta"e *art in;
" !hat *ersonal characteristics'attri,utes does
that athlete ha$e that &ou adire;
" !ould &ou consider that athlete to ,e a good
role odel; !h&;
" Do &ou thin" indigenous athletes reie$e the
sae recognition as non<indigenous
athletes; !h&'#h& not;
=roceed to play the following youtube clip, with
indigenous musicians )riggs and -urrumul performing
an adaptation of (rchie &oach>s ?Took the Children
(way>, featuring a number of indigenous athletes in the
lyrics. As" students to *a& attention and list the
athletes that the& hear or recognise, then discuss as
a class=
)riggs , -urrumul .The Children Came )ack. for /ike (
E8*lore 9>6 inutes:
(sk students to get into their groups for the unit with
their netbooks open. Distri,ute the assessent 5
handout and corres*onding ru,ric, discussing an&
/uestions that the students ha$e, ensuring
instructions are clear=
!tudents are then to research an indigenous athlete of
their choice, addressing the assessent outline
and re%erring to the ru,ric to ensure all criteria is
Inform students to use a variety of search engines and
resources for their information and bibliography @
rein%orcing that co*&ing and *asting'*lagiaris is a
$iolation against the student engageent *olic&=
E8*lain and E$aluate 923 inutes:
)ring the class together to discuss the following <uestions1
" Did &ou %ind an& in%oration on &our athlete that
&ou #ere not alread& a#are o%;
" !hat is &our athletes ost coenda,le
achie$eent 9in or outside o% their chosen
" Did &ou %ind it eas& to disco$er in%oration on
&our athlete;
" !hat search engines #ere ost use%ul;
" !hat "e& #ords *roduced the ,est search
" Do &ou res*ect this athlete ore a%ter
in$estigating their stor& in greater detail; !h&;
-ive students A"+ minutes to work on their reflective Bournal
entry for the lesson
?ournal re%lection: @I adireA 4ecauseA=B
.eind students that the 4iogra*h& is due at the
conclusion o% lesson 7 in hard co*&, ,ut ust also ,e
*osted onto their !ee,l& site at the end o% the unit=
!as the Learning Intention et;
7reser$ice Teacher .e%lection -entor Teacher Feed,ac"

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