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Alexis Brady

Extended Written Response Assessment

Grade English, Touching Spirit Bear Unit

Purpose: This summative assessment is for the learning of the structural elements of writing a
complete and well-organized essay, while also focusing on stylistic elements such as, imagery,
symbolism, and voice. This assessment will evaluate a class of 8
grade English students. This
essay test is to be performed once students have finished the Touching Spirit Bear unit.

GLCE Standards:
R.NT.08.02 Analyze the structure, elements, style, and purpose of narrative fiction.
R.NT.08.04 Analyze authors craft including symbolism and imagery.

Target Chart
Learning Goal Knowledge Reasoning
I can identify examples of
symbolism in the text.
2 2
I can identify examples of
imagery in the text.
2 2
I can identify the structural
elements of narrative fiction,
such as climax, falling action,
and rising action.
1 1
I can identify the protagonist
and point-of-view in the text.
1 1

Class___________ Period___

Objective: We just completed the unit on Touching Spirit Bear and learned about the structural
elements that make up a fictional narrative as well as stylistic keys the author may use to
enhance the plot such as imagery and symbolism. The objective of this summative assessment is
to put your knowledge of the material into practice by demonstrating your skills in essay writing.

General Directions: There are two different types of questions on this assessment, a stand-alone
question and scenario. Each question is worth 5 points, for a total of 10 points possible.
Please write your name, date, and class hour on the spaces provided for you on the next
Please write your responses to each question in the space provided. You may also use a separate
sheet of paper if needed.
If you have any questions during the assessment, please raise your hand quietly and I will
come to assist you. Remember to answer in complete, well-formed sentences and follow the
structural format for writing essays, which we discussed earlier.
You will have the rest of the hour to complete your answers. I recommend spending 20 to 25
minutes on each question with 2 to 3 minutes dedicated to brainstorming and collecting your
thoughts, creating an outline of your essay before you jump right in. Use your time wisely:
complete the question you feel most comfortable with first and then move onto the next question.
At the end of each question, you will find a rubric. This is the rubric I will be using to grade your
responses. Look them over and make sure you have included everything that is asked for in each
Once you have finished, please flip over your test so it is face down on your desk and raise
your hand patiently while I come around to collect it.
You may read your silent reading book if you finish early or sit patently but please remember to
be respectful of those around you who might still be working on the test.

You may now begin.
Good Luck and do your best!
I know you can do it!
Class___________ Period___
Touching Spirit Bear: The Essay Test
Directions: Please read the question carefully and answer in complete sentences. Remember the
standard format for a well-organized essay! You may write your response on the lines provided.
Please feel free to use some of your time to brainstorm and jot down ideas in order to form a
complete and cohesive essay. If you need to use another sheet of paper, you may do so.
Question #1: Prompt
We have discussed the importance of some of the key elements in a fictional narrative. In a
detailed and well-organized essay, please discuss the structural elements of Touching Spirit Bear.
Include such things as point-of-view, protagonist, rising action, climax/conflict, and falling
action. First, define each term and then support your definitions with evidence from the text.
Focus on a single character and discuss these elements as they pertain to that specific
individual throughout the book. The character you choose is up to you, but be sure you are able
to discuss each element of fictional narration as it pertains to that character. If you have any
questions, please feel free to raise your hand quietly and I will come to your desk to assist you.



Question #1: Prompt Rubric
Learning Goal 5 3 1
I can identify the
structural elements of
narrative fiction, such
as climax, falling
action, and rising
I identified all listed
structural elements of
the novel and more
including climax,
falling action, and
rising action.
I identified what some
of the elements were,
but did not all of the
ones listed and did
not use accurate
evidence from the
I did not correctly
identify what the
structural elements
were and did not use
any evidence from the
I can identify the
protagonist and point-
of-view in the text.
I identified the
protagonist and point
of view using
evidence from the
book to back up my
I identified the
protagonist and the
point of view but I did
not use evidence from
the book.
I did not correctly
identify to protagonist
or the point of view
and failed to use
evidence in my essay.


Directions: Please read the scenario carefully and write your response in complete sentences
and adhere to the standard format for writing essays. You may write your response on the lines
provided. If you need to use another sheet of paper, you may do so.
Question #2: Scenario
In this unit, we have also learned about the stylistic elements in a fictional narrative that an
author includes in his/her work such as, symbolism and imagery. Now imagine you are Cole
Matthews. Which type of punishment would you have chosen: Juvenile Detention Center or
Circle Justice? Why? Be specific and use detailed imagery and symbolism to determine what
happens to you (as Cole) as you are serving your sentence. What would you have done
differently, what would you have done the same? What do you see while serving your time?
What do you experience? What do you do every day there, or most days? How do you do it? Are
there any things that the author did not use that he could have used as a symbol to mean
something else? Use what we have read as reference to the imagery you are responsible to
provide in your essay. You must include at least one example of a symbol from the book and
one symbol of your creation. You must use descriptive language to enhance your writing. You
may write this essay in 1
person point of view. Be creative with this, but remember to write in
correct essay structure format! If you have any questions, please raise your hand quietly and I
will come over to assist you.

Question #2: Scenario Rubric
Learning Goal 5 3 1
I can identify
examples of
symbolism in the text.
I identified more than
one symbol from the
text and used it
correctly and I also
included my own
creative symbol.
I identified one
symbol from the text
OR created only one
symbol but did not do
I did not identify any
symbols in my essay
but I do know what
symbolism means.
I can identify
examples of imagery
in the text.
I identified what life
would be like during
my sentence using
imagery and
descriptive language..
I fully supported my
answer with evidence
from the text.
I identified what life
would be like during
my sentence, but did
not fully support my
answer with evidence
from the text.
I did not identify what
life was like during
my sentence and did
not support my
answers with evidence
from the text.

Hooray! Youre done with the hard part! Now dont forget to fill out the attached Self-
Assessment form!

Class___________ Period___

Student Self-Assessment
Directions: Please answer each question truthfully and in complete sentences in the spaces

1. Did you feel prepared for the test?

2. If you did not feel prepared, what might have made you feel better prepared?

3. Were there any questions you felt were unfair on the test? If so, which question(s) and

4. What grade do you feel you received on this test? / 10 points.

Great job! Please place your test face down on your desk until I come around to pick it up.
After I Have picked up your test you may either read or sit quietly at your desk. Be
respectful to those around you! Thank you!

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