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2-10 Sub-Flowsheet Property View

2.2.5 Variables Tab
The Variables tab of the Main flowsheet property view allows you to
create and maintain the list of Externally Accessible Variables.
Although you can access any information inside the sub-flowsheet using
the Variable Navigator, the features on the Variables tab allow you to
target key process variables inside the sub-flowsheet and have their
values displayed on the property view. Then, you can conveniently view
this whole group of information directly on the sub-flowsheet property
view in the Parent flowsheet.
To add variables:
1. Click the Add button. The Variable Navigator appears.
2. On the Variable Navigator view, select the flowsheet object and
variable you want.
3. You can also over-ride the default variable description displayed in
the Variable Description field of the Variable Navigator view.
Figure 2.7
The sub-flowsheet variables appear on the Parameters tab.
Refer to Section 11.21 -
Variable Navigator in the
User Guide for details on the
Variable Navigator.

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