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The Story Of King Arthur and His Knights

Written and Illustrated by Howard Pyle

Whoso pulleth out this sword from the anvil that
same is rightwise King-born of England. (Pyle, pg.5)

Recommended for young adolescents with a yearning for chivalry,
magic, and unforgettable drama.


After Uther Pendragons death Merlin the magician forms a stone and in it a sword. On this
sword it is written that anyone who can pull it out of the stone will become the new King of
England. After many years the young Arthur, secretly the son of Uther Pendragon, pulls the
sword out of the stone and becomes King. Together with Merlin he constructs a round table at
which only the best knights of England may sit. More and more knights come to join the
brotherhood of the Round Table, and each has his own adventures.
Eventually the holy knight Sir Galahad, the son of Sir Lancelot, comes to Arthur's court. With
his coming all the knights ride throughout Europe in search of the Holy Grail of Jesus Christ.
Only four knights see the Grail: Sir Lancelot, Sir Percival, Sir Bors de Gaunnes and Sir Galahad.
After the Grail is found the last battle of the Knights of the Round Table is fought. In this battle
many knights die, and with them King Arthur, Sir Gawain, who is Arthur's nephew, and
Mordred, the wicked son of King Arthur and his half-sister Morgana le Fay. King Arthur is
buried in Avalon, a secret island.

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