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Neti Kriya

Take a small thread that is twice the length of distance between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the little finger. Take it in through the two
nostrils until the two ends comes out

through the mouth. Grab two ends of the thread with two hands and carefully pull it up and down 10 - 12 times and then remove the thread.

Benefits: Removes many types of diseases related to kapha. Improves eye sight and helps in developing the ability to perform Kechari mudra.
This is Hatha yoga.

4. Naouli Kriya

The nerves of the lower abdomen are pulled into the stomach and rapidly turned sideways (left and right) and all around.

Benefits: Eradicates all diseases and improves digestive power. This is Raja yoga.

5. Trataka Kriya

Gazing continuosly at one object, without blinking eyelids until the eyes start to tear.

Benefits: Not only cures diseases of the eye and improves eye sight but also gives Shambhavi Mudra siddhi and removes long sight due to
middle age.

6. Kapalabhati Kriya

This is divided into three types: Vyut krama, Vama krama and Sita krama

Vytkrama Kapalabhati kriya: Take in water through the nostrils and expel from the mouth. This

is Raja yoga.

Benefits: Removes diseases related to the phlegm.

Vama krama kapalabhati kriya: Inhale air through the left nostril and exhale through the right nostirl. Then inhale throught the right nostril and
exhale throught the left nostril. After four times of doing this, take in clean water through the left nostril. Lift the face up, close the left nostril
with fingers and tilt the head slightly to the right and expel water through the right nostril. Then take in clean water through the right nostril and
expel through the left nostril.

Benefits: Prevents phlegm diseases related to runny nose. Improves the sense organs such that it can differentiate subtle variations. This is Raja

Sita krama kapalabhati kriya: Water ingested from the mouth is expelled 24 times through the nostrils.

Benefits: Eliminates diseases of the phlegm, prevents old age and imparts lustre to the body.

All kapalabhati kriyas must be done with cold water. Early morning is ideal. For the first fifteen days of practice, throat and nose will experience
a burning sensation and you will experience cold like symptoms. Ignoring this symptoms and faithfully practicing the kriyas will quickly lead to

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