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WHY DID YOU GET THIS JOB? shouted Tom. Because we need the money for the carnival replied
Max. Tom looked disgusted around the carnival toilets, well if you could call it carnival toilets. It was
a horrible mess of diapers, used toilet paper and a strange mixture of brown, green and black sludge
in the corner that Max believes is nuclear waste. Tom picked up a Brocken part of the mirror off the
floor and gazed into it stroking his hair to check the stench hadnt ruined his handsomeness.
Remember what the big carnival boss said, dont shut the door or you will lock us in Max reminded
Tom. However it was too late Tom closed the door laughing You dont believe that do you; anyway
the stench will not escape if it stays closed. Yes, but now neither will us replied Max. Tom walked
over to the wall and slammed his head on it in frustration, but he quickly backed away because his
hair was getting messy. In a flash he grabbed hairspray out of his pocket and quickly moulded his
hair back into place.
Max gave him a dumb look, and in the corner of his eye saw an army of rats scampering out of a hole
in the corner. He quickly jumped back onto the toilet and Tom followed into his arms. However Tom
was too heavy so Max threw him off into the swarm of rats. They started crawling all over him. Tom
Shrieked as the rats ran up his shirt of over his legs.
Max got an idea. He shouted to Tom GRAB THE HAIR SPRAY. Tom replied GOOD IDEA MY HAIR IS
GETTING MESSY. In anger Max shouted back NO SPRAY THE RATS WITH IT, GOSH. Tom reached
into his pocket and grabbed the hair spray, he sprayed it all over the rats, and in panic the rats
retreated back to the hole. However one blinded by the hairspray ran into the green, black and
brown sludge in the corner.
The rat darted crazily from side to side before flipping over and lying on its back paws in the air. Max
poked it with a piece of the mirror. However he jumped back as the rat started to grow. It grew so
big it was a meter taller than Tom. The rat sniffed around curiously, but instead of going on a
demonic rampage crashing Tom and Max, it walked over to the corner on two feet and sat down
crying. It was obvious to Max that the rat missed its family because it was too big to fit in the hole.
After five minutes of sitting around at the toilets Max, Tom and the rat hear the door open from the
outside, it was the carnival boss checking on their progress. Tom runs over and starts tugging on the
bosss suit begging for them to be able to stop their job, but as Tom is pulling really hard he pulls off
the bosses skin and clothes, which was actually the bosss human disguise. Underneath there is a
slimy, green and scaly creature with big blue eyes which look like they were staring into toms soul.
Tom stumbles backwards realising that the carnival boss is an alien. Answering and the boys terrified
looks the alien says Yes Im an alien, and Im going to abduct all fair goers tomorrow back to my
home planet to have them tested and dissected. He then shuts the door once again locking the
boys inside.

However the rat had other plans he charged smashing the door to bits, and they all got up and ran
chasing the alien. The alien noticing they escaped picked up his pace and ran into his U.F.O parked
inside a big tent. The small group of boys and rat managed too quickly jump aboard before the door
could close. Inside they found a room with potions; Max saw a shrinking potion and quickly used it
on the rat that then shrunk to normal size. While on the other hand Tom found a water generator
potion so he could wash his hair anywhere. The next room entered had previous alien prisoners,
which were really scary so they quickly moved on. Then the last room was the control room where
the alien was controlling the ship. The alien turning around saw the trio and quickly engaged battle
with Max and the rat, since Max had no weapon they just ran around the room dodging the aliens
Tom quickly sneaked around to the controls to wash his hair in the bowl shaped control panel. He
threw the water generation potion and started washing his hair in it; however he got an electric
shock when the water seeped into the control wiring. Max and the alien stopped fighting and stared
at what Tom had done, as the ship spun out of control to the ground because the controls were
wrecked. Then max smiled, because he actually had a potion of teleportation he stole from the
potion room in his pocket. He ran and grabbed Tom and the rat, and threw the potion at them. They
quickly teleported to the fair ground, just in time to see the ship crash down to the fairground
destroying most of the fair.
The rat scampered away and the threat was now gone. In a week the fair was closed and
quarantined and eventually properly demolished.
However some of the prisoners on board might of survived..

The End

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