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Whats in a fizzy drink?

Be able to correctly use the following terms

o Solution
o Soluble
o Insoluble
o Dissolve
o Aqueous
o Solute
o Solvent
Coke and Mentos experiment
1. Describe what was done and what you saw with the coke and Mentos.
We added Mentos to coke and it went all fizzy and pushed out into a fountain.
2. Was the coke a solution, solvent or solute? Explain your answer.
It was a solution, because it was mixed with water.
3. Name three things dissolved in coke.
They are dioxide, Sugars, Food colouring and Preservatives.
4. What is the solvent in coke,
It is Water.

Soluble in water
Half fill each test-tube with water
Use a spatula to add a small amount of a substance.
Does your substance dissolve or is it still cloudy?
Record your result and repeat with another substance.
Make a table to record your results
Substance Cloudy or clear Soluble or insoluble
Sugar Clear Soluble
Salt Clear Soluble
Sand Clear Insoluble
Co3 Clear Soluble
Flour Cloudy Insoluble
Coffee Cloudy Soluble
Copper Sulphate Clear Soluble

1. Which substance dissolve in water
Sugar, salt, Co3, Coffee and Copper Sulphate dissolve in water.
2. Are any of the substances insoluble?
Yes, Sand and Flour.
3. Find a definition for each of the key words above.
Clear: See-Through
Cloudy: Its all foggy cant see through it.
Soluble: It dissolves
Insoluble: It doesnt dissolve.
4. Find images that will help your understanding of what you have learnt today.

Separating Sand from salt
Understand that soluble substances can be separated from insoluble substances by
Be able to identify everyday examples of filters and the residues and filtrates.
Aim - To separate sand from salt

1) What stays on the filter paper?
The Sand
2) What passes through the filter paper?
The Salt
3) Which material is soluble in water?
The Salt
4) Identify the following
a. Residue = The Sand
b. Filtrate = The Salt
5) Define
a. Residue = The thing you want to remove from the filtrate.
b. Filtrate = The item that fits through the filter.
6) Why can the salt pass through the filter paper in solution?
Because it is dissolved into its smallest possible form.
7) Identify four examples of everyday filters and their residues and filtrates

Everyday filter Residue Filtrate Image
Colander Pasta Water
Sift Big lumps of Flour Small lumps of flour

8) Find images to help support question 7

Separating Salt from water
Be able to separate salt from water by evaporation
Aim to be able to collect salt from salt water

1. Label the diagram above?
2. Which flame was used, explain why?
The roaring blue flame, because its hotter.
3. Identify 2 safety precautions when doing this experiment
You need to use Safety glasses and not stare into the bowl.
1. Describe what you saw?
The salt went on the sides of the bowl.
2. Is this quantitative or qualitative data, explain your answer.
It was qualitative, because
1. Explain why the salt was left behind when the salt solution was heated?
It was left behind because salt doesnt evaporate.
2. What is evaporation?
Water (With salt)
Evaporation is when water rises and turns to vapour.
3. Give three every day examples of evaporation.
1. Drying
2. Rain
4. In which conditions does evaporation happen the fastest?
5. In which conditions does evaporation happen the slowest?
6. Research - How did Mahatma Ghandi used evaporation to peacefully protest
against the British rule in India. Write a few lines with images on you findings.

Separation using centrifugal force
(Read page 186/7)
Billy Can demonstration
1. Describe in your own words how the tea and tea leaves are being
They are being force separated by centrifugal force.
2. Why do the leaves move to the bottom of the can?
Because they were pushed by the pressure
1. How does a centrifuge work?
By spinning so fast the solids are pushed to the bottum
2. What mixture did we separate using the centrifuge and what parts was
the mixture split into?
Salad dressing, it was split into liquids and solids
3. Give some every day examples of centrifugal force
Fair rides and billy tea

Separation using immiscibility
1. What does immiscible mean?
They cant mix
2. Which two immiscible liquids did we use?
Oil and water
3. How does the separation funnel work?
Because the lighter liquid is at the top it means the heavier liquid floats
at the bottum

1. What is decanting?
Separating two things
2. Why does decanting work?
I dont honestly remember
3. Give some everyday examples of decanting.
Chips and oil

1. Find images to support your notes

Making Copper Sulphate Crystals
Understand what makes a solution saturates and Super Saturates
Understand why crystals form.
1. Describe what you did (in steps)
2. 1. Put on glasses 2. Fill beaker with water then add small amount of copper sulphate
3. Stir till dissolves 4. Turn on Bunsen burner 5. Heat beaker and dissolve C.S until it

3. Why did we use the seed crystal
To grow crystals off it.
4. Why did we let the solutions cool before we hung the seed crystal in the super
saturated solution?
Because the seed crystal might dissolve.
1. What did you observe next lesson?
2. What is a saturated solution?
A solution that cant be dissolved anymore
3. What is a supersaturated solution?
A substance where nothing else can be dissolved in it
4. Describe two ways of increasing the concentration of a solution?
By heating it?
By adding crystals to it?
5. How do you dilute a solution?
6. Why do crystals form?
Because the water evaporates and the crystals combine!
7. Research crystals
a. How are crystals formed?

b. What shapes do crystals have?
c. What are crystals made of?
d. Use images to support your answer.

Paper Chromatography

Understand that ink is made of different pigments
Be able to carry out paper chromatography to analyse ink samples


1. Describe what you did (in steps)
- Draw a line 2cm up paper
- Next get a texta of any colour and dot it ten times on line
- Attach to icy pole stick with paper clip
- Dip in 1.5cm of water
- WATCH!!!!!
2. Why must the water level remain below the ink dot?
- So it can soak up the paper
3. Why did we remove the paper before the colours reached the top of the paper?

1. What did you observe?
- The colour rose up from the dote and turned BLUE
2. Measure how far each pigment travelled
- Right up to the top

Marker colour: Brown
Distance Pigment
2cm Orange
0.5cm Blue
1.5cm Purple


3. Based on the above chromatogram, what pigments are present in each of the four markers?
Blue Yellow Red Green
4. Which two markers contain the pigments required for the brown marker?
Purple Yellow
5. What does the distance travelled tell us about the pigments solubility in water?
It is highly soluble
6. What would your chromatogram look like if you used a permanent marker which is made up
of compounds not soluble in water?
7. A ransom note has been found that says a school staff member has been kidnapped. The
police are on their way but you have narrowed the suspects down to two people. You have
collected the pen each suspect was using. How would you determine who wrote the note?
8. Research DNA fingerprinting
a. How does DNA fingerprinting work?
b. How is DNA fingerprinting and chromatography similar?

Separation by Distillation
Be able to explain how substances can be separated by their boiling point
Be able to describe some every day examples of the uses of distillation.
1. How is our experiment different from the one shown below?
Its different because it is separating salt from water.
2. At what temperature did we start to get condensation on the top of the round bottom
At 60 70 degrees
3. Why is a condenser so called?
It is called that because it turns hot vapour to liquid
4. Why cold water is introduced at the bottom of the condenser not the top.
It is introduced at the bottom because thats when it turns it to liquid

1. What did we collect in the conical flask?
2. How did we test this?
By lighting it on fire
3. Why can alcohol fires be dangerous?
Because it is hot and is a clear flame
1. Explain why the alcohol is separated from the water during distillation?
Because alcohol burns a 60 70 degrees and water burns at 100 degrees
2. Identify some examples of distillation used in everyday life

3. Look at the investigation on page 191 and explain how you can get drinking water
from sea water.

Well first you dig a hole and put a bowl full of sea water in it with a plain cup in the
bowl. Next cover the hole with gladwrap with a rock to way waythe center down.
Then youre done.

4. Research the desalination plant at Wonthaggi (Page 191 SQ8)
a. How does it work?
By filtering salt out of the water
b. What are the major concerns about it?

It puts out hotter and more salty water

Mixtures Rubric
Topic High Standard Medium
Low standard Not
Title page &
Clear title page with
topic title and student
name and images.

Content page complete
Title page with topic
title and student name.

Content page or
images missing
Title page with topic
title and student name.

What is in a
Fizzy Drink?

Completes both
investigations in detail

Has definitions for all
7 words
Completes both
investigations in detail

Has definitions for
some of the 7 words
Completes both

Separating sand
from salt

Completes questions 1
to 8 in detail
Completes questions 1
to 5 in detail
Completes some

Separating salt
from water

investigation in detail.

Carries out research
into Ghandi
investigation in detail

Completes most of the

funnel and

Completes all
questions on four
separating techniques.

Included images to
support notes
Completes all
questions on four
separating techniques
Completes some of the
questions on the
separating techniques.

Home work page
Q1- 7 correctly
completed in detail
Q1- 7 mostly correctly
Some of Q1 -7

Growing crystals
Completes all 7
questions on work
sheet including
research question
Completes six
questions on work
Completes some
questions on work


Completes all 8
questions on work
sheet including

Forensic science
question 7 &

DNA fingerprinting
Completes 7
questions on work
sheet including

Forensic science
question 7 .

Completes some
questions on work

Rubric and
Parent sheet
Completed by Monday
Completed after one
Eventually completed


Sand From Water
Salt From Water Tea From Water

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