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YEAH, NEW HIGH SCORE!!! boasted Jeffery. Shuddup replied Charles Im still better than you at
it, you cheated. Jeffery and Charles had been playing video games all night trying to beat each other
scores. However Charles was a sore loser so he grabbed his controller and smashed it into Jeffery
face. Jeffery recovered from the attack and grabbed a nearby baseball bat and swung it at Charles.
He dodged and the bat went straight into the TV. They had started a massive fight, items were going
everywhere and fists were being swung.
The fight came to a halt when their mum screamed STOP FIGHTING, GO OUT SIDE, YOUR
GROUNDED FROM PLAYING VIDEO GAMES FOR A YEAR! The boys did what they were told, so with
their heads drooping down they went outside. It wasnt long before they came to a stop and stared
at a massive dump. They immediately rematched each other into another fight. This time instead of
fist being flung it was garbage. They were about to deliver the finishing blow when they got attacked
by a third party. A massive slimy, smelly garbage bag filled with rotten food came flying from behind
a bin and smashed them directly in the face.
They got up to see a living garbage bag with a face, smiling down at them from on top of the massive
bin. He was around 30cm tall and 30 centimetres wide. As he waddled up to them he left a trail of
garbage which smelt like rotten eggs that had been cooked in off milk. As he got closer and closer
the proud, smiling face slowly turned to a worried, scared look as he realised the boys were aiming
baseball bats down at him. S**T! Mumbled the garbage bag monster, as he was knocked out and
shoved into a bag. The boys laughed. Thought he could defeat us giggled Jeffery. The boys walked
home carrying their new found friend In a plastic bag.
When they got home they shoved the bag in their cubpoard, brushed their teeth, put on their
pyjamas and went to bed. However meanwhile in the cupboard the rubbish monster woke up
jumped out of the cupboard and saw the two boys sleeping, he couldnt miss this oppurtunity to get
revenge. He walked back to his home (The dump) gathered some supplies and returned. He spent all
night working on his trap. He setup a massive chain reaction with garbage, more garbage, even more
garbage and other stuff.
3 hours later the sun rose, and so did the boys. Aaaarrrrggghhhhh.. Yawned both the boys.
However their morning yawn was interuppted when a string tied to their feet pulled them up
against the roof between both the beds. Twoo toy guns triggered by the same string started spewing
garbage at the from each side. Finnaly the string snapped fro m their weight and they both splashed
into a paddling pool of even more garbag. As they recovered, they look up only to see the garbage
bag monster holding a massive baseball bat, CLUNK!!!!!!
As they began to get up they saw they were tied up in thick rope. They also saw that in front of there
eyes a massive battle was in full swing between the monster and there mum. There mum swang
rapidly at the monster, who was returning fire with garbage guns and grenades. The garaage
monster with all his strength heaved a massive garbage grenade through the air, but as quick as a
flash their mum sent it right back at him with the a single blow from her sword.It hit the garbage
monster directly in the face.
Instead of taking damage he absorbed it and grew more powerful and bigger. Realising he could do
that he ate up all the remaining garbage and jumped out the window. The boys mum could finnaly
untie the boys. When finnaly untied, the boy asked Ummmm.. what are you mum? and their mum
replied A secret organisation for destroying monsters or A.S.O.F.D.M for short, I knew the monster
was in there area, I just didnt know where, so without you knowing I got you to drive it out of its
hiding place.
Now the monster was on the loose, eating up garbage and on occasions a helpless citizen. As he
walked past the boys house he remembered how much he hated them. So h smashed right through
the door aand confroted Jeffery (Because that was the first boy he saw) and was about to smash him
up when he was interrupted when Jeffery said Lets fight on Monday instead. The monster agreed
to his final wish and left.
Finnaly Monday arrived, the boys kept a brave face on as the monster trudged forward. The boys not
holding an weapons held out their hands and said bring it on. The monster laughed and lunged
forward at the boys, he was about a centimeter away from their faces. When SWOOP he was picked
up and loaded into the back of a garbage truck. The monster let out a mumbled gurgle as he was
body was squished inside the back of the truck. Because Moday was when the garbage gets
However the boys didnt remember anything,because they had seen a A.S.O.F.D.M agent. There
memory had to be wiped.
The End!

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