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Michael the Archangel September 2, 2014

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to an exciting new school year that will be filled with rich
and fulfilling experiences for your child. The Full Day Kindergarten
Program at St. Michael the Archangel is comprised of a Kindergarten
teacher, Mrs. Andrea Marsic, and a Registered Early Childhood
Educator, Mrs. Francesca Arcuri-Sanita.
Through purposeful planned play and small group instruction, your
child will develop a strong foundation for learning in all areas of the
curriculum, and develop socially and emotionally through peer
interactions and guidance from adults. Our hope is that school will be
a happy and pleasant place where they can learn and contribute.
Your child will be exposed to a variety of experiences and learning
situations that will help their spiritual, cognitive, social, physical and
emotional development.
Please take a moment to read the attached information regarding
routines. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any
questions or concerns throughout the school year.
We look forward to an exciting and productive year.
Your childs proud Kindergarten Educators,
Mrs. Andrea Marsic, OCT Mrs. Francesca Arcuri-Sanita, RECE
Your child has been provided with a communication bag that has
been labelled with his/her name. This bag is to be brought to school
and returned home every day even when it is empty. Please check
this bag everyday as it may contain important information. All
correspondence, money, book orders, etc. should be placed in this
bag and in return should we have any information for you, we will
place it in this bag as well.
Please check both sides of the bag. The GREEN SIDE contains
information that must be completed or signed and returned to school.
The RED SIDE contains important information for you to keep at
1 York Catholic District School Board
Our school hours are from
9:10am to 3:40pm. Please
bring your child to the
Kindergarten yard. A teacher
will be on duty to supervise at
8:55am. When the bell rings
children will line up at the doors
and will be led into the school
by the teacher. Parents are
kindly asked to remain outside
the fenced area in order to
foster independence.
Please let teachers know in
advance if there are changes to
the regular pick up routines.
ACCEPTED. Please complete the
Dismissal Information form found
in the communication folder and
return it to your childs teacher
as soon as possible.
In our class we have SEVERE
NOT send any foods that
contain nuts to school. Also,
please do not send any food
items that contain raw or whole
egg (i.e. egg salad). Please
refer to the Allergy Awareness
Plan sent out by the school. If
your child requires an EPIPEN,
all necessary documents should
be submitted to the office.
Ms. Marsic and Ms. Arcuri-Sanitas Full Day Kindergarten Class
St. Michael the Archangel September 2, 2014
Snack is eaten as a centre that is available all morning and all
afternoon. Therefore, there is no designated time for snack, rather,
children self-regulate by deciding on their own when they are hungry.
It is imperative that all foods be labeled to indicate which foods are
for snack and which are for lunch. For example, SNACK #1, LUNCH,
We will be stressing healthy eating habits; please encourage your
child to help make their own lunch to get them excited about eating
healthy. Suggestions include: fruit, vegetables, crackers, cheese,
yogurt. Please refrain from sending processed food items such as
chips, pop, candy, etc,. Refillable water bottles and containers are
welcome but should be labelled.
Please note we have a SEVERE PEANUT and TREENUT Allergy in our
class. Please do not send any products containing these foods.
In an effort to keep the classroom clean, your child will be required to
keep a pair of indoor shoes at school at all times. Please label them.
Velcro shoes are a good option as they help foster independence and
can easily be put on and taken off. Also please fill the provided zip
lock pay with an extra outfit (season appropriate clothing) that will
remain at school. These clothes do not have to be uniform colours. The
zip lock bag should include a top, pants, underwear and socks.
Please label ALL of your childs personal articles to prevent loss and
mix ups. We will send the bag home again if it needs to be refilled,
as well as when the seasons change in order to keep our students
looking and feeling their best!
It would be greatly appreciated if each child would send in one or
two boxes of tissue to ensure that we have it when necessary.
According to the Ministry of Education Full Day Learning-
Kindergarten Program Document (2010-2011), there should be no
paper and pencil homework in Kindergarten. Instead, take the time to
support our inquiry and play-based learning approach. Provide your
child with enriched experiences through nature walks, observing
changes in the environment and social gatherings with family and
friends. Give them opportunities to engage in conversation and use
language to retell, relate and make predictions.
2 York Catholic District School Board
Please notify the teacher as
well as the office of any health
concerns of which we should be
Birthdays are celebrated in
Kindergarten by the teachers
and through the office. Please
DO NOT send food items (i.e.
cake, cupcake, lollipops) to
share with the class. Instead,
please consider donating to the
food drive, Christmas toy drives,
Book dedications/Book Fair.
Please provide your child with
appropriate winter wear as
there is outdoor play time
factored into the day. Clothing
with few fasteners such as
buttons and laces help facilitate
independence. Please LABEL
ALL pieces of clothing with a
permanent parker or sticker,
including mittens, scarves,
hats, jackets, boots, snow
pants shoes, and bags.
We will be visiting the library
on a weekly basis and children
will be taking home a library
book. This book will have its
own bag. Please return it to
school on the scheduled
library day that will be
indicated on the classroom
calendar. Please note that
library books are not levelled
guided reading books. The
expectation is that your child
may/may not be able to read
this book on their own. Please
take the time to read this book
to your child.

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