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To Kill a Mockingbird Typed Essay Rubric

No Almost Yes Points

Use 12 point font 5
Use Arial, Times New Roman, or Courier font 10
Double space your essay 5
Use a single spaced MA !ea"er as follows#
$our name
My name
%n&lis! '()class perio"*
Intro Paragraph:
Aut!or, title, an" bac+&roun" info
T!esis at en" of intro, clear an" correct,
contains - traits t!at apply to Atticus .inc!
ody Paragraphs !"#
Topic /entences for eac!
%0planation of 1uote an" !ow it relates to
Doesn2t en" on a 3uote
4ne for eac! bo"y para&rap!
Rele5ant to Trait bein& "escribe"
6unctuate" correctly
Correct pa&e number cite"
Complete sentences
/ub7ect 8erb A&reement
Accurate /pellin&
Traits accurate in terms of noun9a"7ecti5e
%0: respect9respectful
;;;;; %&'(
This paper )ill count &'( points
and is a ma*or grade +or this nine )eeks,

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