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Step-by-Step Instructions on Using Popplet in Your Classroom

Creating an Account:
1. Cpen your web browser.
2. Co Lo
3. ln Lhe Lop rlghL corner, cllck CreaLe AccounL."
4. 1ype ln your lnformaLlon (name, e-mall, password) and agree Lo Lhe 1erms of Servlce
and rlvacy ollcy.
3. Scroll Lhrough Lhe slldes LhaL lnLroduce oppleL.
6. Cllck 1ake Me Lo oppleL."
7. ?ou are now ready Lo use oppleL!
(noLe: nexL Llme you vlslL, you wlll cllck Log ln" lnsLead of CreaLe
an AccounL.")
Creating a Popplet:
1. Log ln Lo your oppleL accounL.
2. Cn Lhe lefL slde of Lhe page, cllck Make new oppleL."
3. A Make a new oppleL" box wlll appear.
4. CreaLe a name for you oppleL by Lyplng lL ln Lhe box.
3. SelecL a color for your oppleL. 1hls wlll be Lhe background color of your concepL map.
6. Cllck Make lL So" Lo creaLe your new oppleL.
7. ?our oppleL wlll now appear on Lhe screen.
8. uouble cllck anywhere on Lhe screen Lo creaLe your flrsL popple (oppleL's word for
9. Cllck on Lhe popple.
10. 1ype ln your LexL.
11. 1o add anoLher popple, selecL one of Lhe four gray clrcles surroundlng Lhe popple. lf you
wanL Lo add a new popple above Lhe orlglnal popple, selecL Lhe Lop gray clrcle.
12. 1ype ln Lhe new popple.
13. ConLlnue unLll you have added all of your lnformaLlon.
Customizing Popples:
1. Cnce you have creaLed a popple, you can cusLomlze lL ln a varleLy of ways.
2. 1o change Lhe !"#"$ of Lhe popple, cllck on Lhe speclflc popple.
a. Cn Lhe boLLom lefL of Lhe popple, an lcon LhaL looks llke a popple wlll appear.
b. Cllck Lhls lcon.
c. SelecL a color.
3. 1o change Lhe &'(& ln your popple, cllck on Lhe speclflc popple.
a. SelecL Lhe lcon LhaL ls second from Lhe lefL. lL has A" on lL.
b. 1o change Lhe slze of Lhe LexL, cllck one of Lhe A" lcons on Lhe lefL. 1he smaller
Lhe A" ln Lhe lcon, Lhe smaller your fonL wlll become.
c. 1o change Lhe allgnmenL of Lhe LexL ln your popple, selecL one of Lhe lcons Lo Lhe
rlghL. 1he plcLure ln Lhe lcon corresponds Lo Lhe allgnmenL (lefL, mlddle, or rlghL).
4. 1o )$*+ ln a popple, cllck on Lhe speclflc popple.
a. SelecL Lhe lcon LhaL ls second from Lhe rlghL. lL has a palnLbrush on lL.
b. lck a color.
c. Move your mouse lnLo Lhe popple.
d. 8egln drawlng.
3. 1o ,-#"*) an lmage or vldeo, cllck on Lhe speclflc popple.
a. SelecL Lhe lcon LhaL ls on Lhe far rlghL. lL has a plcLure of a mounLaln on lL.
b. Choose Lhe source you wlsh Lo upload your lmage of vldeo from (lllckr,
lacebook, ?ouLube, or your compuLer).
c. 8rowse for Lhe lmage or vldeo.
d. SelecL Lhe lmage.
e. Cllck Cpen" or Add Lo opple" (dependlng on your source).
Adding Collaborators:
1. lck Lhe oppleL ln whlch you wanL Lo add collaboraLors.
2. ln Lhe Lop rlghL corner, cllck on Share."
3. SelecL Add CollaboraLor."
4. 1ype ln Lhe name or e-mall address of Lhe person wlLh whom you wlsh Lo share your
3. SelecL hls/her name.
6. Cllck Add Lhem."
Sharing a Popplet:
1. lck Lhe oppleL ln whlch you wlsh Lo share.
2. ln Lhe Lop rlghL corner, cllck on Share."
3. SelecL any of Lhe lcons ln Lhe four whlLe boxes below Share." All of Lhe lcons Lake you
Lo Lhe same wlndow.
4. lf you wanL Lo share lL on .*!'/""0, cllck Lhe lacebook buLLon.
a. When your lacebook appears, selecL Share Llnk."
3. lf you wanL Lo share lL on 1+2&&'$, cllck Lhe 1wlLLer buLLon.
a. When your 1wlLLer appears, selecL 1weeL."
6. lf you wanL Lo '34*2# your oppleL, Lype ln Lhe e-mall addresses ln Lhe box below e-
mall frlends."
a. Cllck e-mall" when you are done.
7. lf you wanL Lhe #250 Lo your oppleL, copy Lhe llnk from Lhe box below Copy and asLe
a. asLe Lhe llnk wherever you wanL Lo share lL.
8. lf you wanL Lo '4/') your oppleL, copy Lhe embed code from Lhe box below Lmbed
a. asLe Lhe embed code wherever you wanL Lo.

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