1.2.2.A SkeletonHunt

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2014 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Human Body Systems Activity 1.2.2 Skeleton Scavenger Hunt Page 1

Taylor Starling (5
Activity 1.2.2: Skeleton Scavenger Hunt

o List the number of vertebrae in each section of the vertebral column.
Find each section on your Maniken

and lightly shade each one

using colored pencils. Use a different color for each section.

Cervical Lordosis-7
Thoracic Kyphosis-12
Lumbar Lordosis-5

o Show the divisions of the three parts of the sternum on your

and list their names below.

Manubrium Sterni
Xiphoid Process

o We refer to many bones of the human skeleton by common names
rather than by the scientific term. Write an alternate name for the
sternum, the scapula, the patella and the carpals.

Sternum-Breast Bone
Scapula-Shoulder Blade
Patella-Knee Cap

o How many bones do you have in one of your hands (including your
wrist)? Explain your answer.

There are 27 bones in the hand and wrist combined.
14 phalanges
5 metacarpals
8 carpal bones

o You did not label the smallest bones of the body on your model.
Where are these bones found?

The smallest bones in the body are the stapes found in the ear.

2014 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Human Body Systems Activity 1.2.2 Skeleton Scavenger Hunt Page 2

o Which bone(s) of the human body differ in males and females?
Label one with a square.

The pelvic bone
The coccygeal

o The human skeleton is composed of two divisions- the axial
skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. What defines the difference
between these two?

The axial skeleton is made up of the bones along the axis of the
body. The appendicular skeleton is made up of the bones of the
appendages (arms and legs) and the girdles (shoulder and pelvic).

1. Why are there sutures on the human skull? What does this tell you about the
actual structure of the skull?
There are sutures on the skull because at birth a person has six parts to their
skull to allow the baby to come out of the birthing canal. After birth a persons
skull will mend together into only three parts.

2. Think about the structure and function of your backbone. Why do you think there
are discs of cartilage between the bones in the vertebral column?
There are discs of cartilage because without the cartilage the vertebras would
rub together causing friction. The cartilage also cushions the vertebras and
absorbs shock when we move. This cartilage saves us from having a lot of
pain and problems with our vertebral column.

3. What is the difference between a true rib, a false rib and a floating rib?
The true ribs connect with sternum and are made up of hard bone. The false ribs
are made up of cartilage and are not connected to the sternum. They are
only connected to the bottom true ribs. The floating ribs are made of cartilage
and do not connect to anything in the front.

2014 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Human Body Systems Activity 1.2.2 Skeleton Scavenger Hunt Page 3

4. A man was in a car accident and fractured cervical vertebrae, his femur and his
metatarsal. Explain his injuries to a non-science person.
This man fractured his neck vertebra, his thigh, and his pinky toe.

5. What are the main functions of the human skeletal system?
The main functions of the skeletal system are to make blood cells, hold the
tissues of the body, give a strong shape, and protect.

6. Describe how differences in our skeleton can contribute to our identity.
A persons size, shape, gender, race and age can be found in their skeletal
system. Many people are different sizes, therefore their bones are different sizes
too. The size and strength of the bones also helps determine how old a person
is. The skeletal system can vary in shapes too, for example some people have a
very prominent jaw shape while others dont. Gender can be found mostly by
looking at the pelvic bone. Race can be found by features in the maxilla and

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