Bonansinga Re Sume 8-23-13-2

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2 4 M e n d e s R o a d D a n b u r y , C T 0 6 8 1 1
j o d y . b o n a n s i n g a @ y a h o o . c o D ! " # $ e b r u a r y % , 1 & & 6
Danbury 'igh (choo) C)ass o* 2014
Danbury, Connec+icu+ 06811
,iceo (cien+i-co (+a+a)e ./. 0ncina1 (2ring (ees+er, 2012
$ossano, 3+a)y
4oca) 5er*orance 3ns+i+u+e (uer 2016
7ni8ersi+y o* Day+on, Day+on, !'
7ni8ersi+y o* Day+on C)ass o* 2018
Tri 9 M :Modern Music Mas+ers;, +he in+erna+iona) usic honor socie+y, induc+ed
'igh 'onors < 'onor Ro)), Danbury 'igh (choo), 2010 9 2resen+
(+uden+ 0bassador, 0erican $ie)d (er8ice, (2ring 2012
(e)ec+ed +hrough rigorous a22)ica+ion and screening 2rocess as s+uden+
abassador<e=change s+uden+ *or a sees+er abroad. 3nc)uded a++ending high
schoo) and hoes+ay.
7ni+arian 7ni8ersa)is+ Congrega+ion o* Danbury
Youth Choir Founder and Director, 2012 9 2resen+
Chi)dren>s choir *or ages 4 9 11. Res2onsib)e *or eber recrui+en+, usic
se)ec+ion, usic ins+ruc+ion, conduc+ing rehearsa)s and 2er*orances, securing
acco2anien+, organi?ing rehearsa)s and 2rogras, co))abora+ing @i+h
inis+er and s+aA *or (unday ser8ices, and 2roo+ing 2ar+ici2a+ion.
Choir Member and Soloist, 2010 9 2resen+
3nc)udes bi@eeB)y rehearsa)s, (unday ser8ices and so)o 2er*orances
Youth Group Member, 200C 9 2resen+
3nc)udes @eeB)y ee+ings +o discuss as2ec+s o* +heo)ogy and e=2)ore 8arious
*ai+hs and 2rac+ices,
conduc+ing o* occasiona) (unday ser8ices, 2)anning and 2ar+ici2a+ion in
assor+ed ser8ice 2rojec+s inc)uding c)o+hing dri8es and *ood dri8es.
Doro+hy Day 'os2i+a)i+y 'ouse, Danbury, CT, 2010 9 2resen+
Soup Kitchen Team Member
Res2onsib)e *or 2re2aring and ser8ing a ho+ ea) a+ +he sou2 Bi+chen 6D +ies
2er yearE s+aAing
.3n $ro +he Co)d,1 a 2rogra a+ +he (ou2 Fi+chen +o Bee2 +he hoe)ess *ro
@ai+ing ou+doors un+i) +he she)+ers o2en a+ &2, Go8eber 9 02ri).
Morris (+ree+ (choo) 5rojec+, Danbury, CT, 2012 9 2resen+
5en2a) and en+or +o inner ci+y -*+h grader
,ebanon < Danbury 0c+ing H=change 5rogra, 2012 9 2resen+
4ir+ua) cu)+ura) e=change 2rogra +hrough ac+ing c)ass a+ Danbury 'igh
(choo) in conjunc+ion @i+h high schoo), c)ass in ,ebanon
IMC0 Ca2 Moha@B, ,i+ch-e)d, CT, (uer 2011
Counselor-in-Training; Chapel eader
()ee2a@ay ca2 *or gir)s ages %J1C. 0ssis+ed @i+h horsebacB ridingE
conduc+ed chorusE assis+ed
@i+h 2roduc+ions o* Sound o! Music and Mulan" (er8ed as Cha2e) ,eader *or
(unday ser8ices.
$reshan 4o))eyba)) Tea, Danbury 'igh (choo), 2010 9 2011
4arsi+y 4o))eyba)) Tea, Danbury 'igh (choo), 2011J2016
Tria+h)on Tea, Danbury 'igh (choo), 2012 9 2014
,aBe Karaaug Coun+ry C)ub, Ge@ 5res+on, CT, Lu)y 2011 9 !c+ober 2012 and
May 9 !c+ober, 2016
The Kindi)) Diner, Danbury, CT, (e2+eber 2016 9 0ugus+ 2014

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