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Chapter 3 Practice Quiz

**Solving Distep and Polystep Equations**
Please read each question carefully before answering. If a question has polyparts, make sure to answer each
part. You may not use a calculator on this Quiz. Please ask Mr. alpin any questions you ha!e.
Solve each of the equations for the given variable. It would be a great idea to check your answer.
1) 17
!" 2) h # ! $h # 1! !$
) %t # !" !&1!'5 # ('5t) !) ('1y &y 1'() 13'7
") 5
k 3 #)
&1"b # !5) !b 15 # (b
$) 3&(g 3) !&g 1") %) 13 &! 3z) # 11z 1! # !z (
&) +he peri,eter o- the given re.tangle /elo0 &the
distan.e around all the sides) is 3*' 1ind the length
o- the re.tangle2s length and width &not 3ust the
value o- ")'
&" 1) -t
&!" # () -t
1') 4/e has re.ently 0on a ,oderately i,pressive a,ount o- ,oney on a not5too50ell56no0n ga,e
sho0' 7e plans to /uy 8itro 9a.hines and :angsta Polly Po.6ets 0ith the ,oney he 0on'
7e is going to /uy a total o- 3" ite,s &; 6no0< that2s a lot o- stu-- ,ore stu-- than you .an sha6e a
sti.6 at< -or sure)' Ea.h 8itro 9a.hine .osts =5< and ea.h :angsta Polly Po.6et .osts =1('
>rite an equation -or the a,ount o- ,oney< m< that he spends i- he /uys n 8itro 9a.hines'
?se this equation to -igure out ho0 ,any 8itro 9a.hines he pur.hased i- he spent a total o-
=3!1' @ou 0ill not re.eive any .redit on this part unless you use the equation you 0rote -ro, the
-irst part'

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