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Argument Essay

Mrs. Schwade
INTRO: Answer the following in full and complete sentences on the lines provided.
1. What is your topic?
2. Why should I care?
3. Tell me something I dont know about your topic
4. What is your opinion about your topic?
5. What are three reasons why you believe you are right (answer in one sentence!)

Body 1: Answer the following in full and complete sentences on the lines provided.
1. What is the first reason why you have your opinion about your topic?
2. Why is your reason important and why should I care?
3. Write a fact from your research that backs you up.
4. Why is that fact/quote important?
5. What do you want me to remember about your reason?

Argument Essay
Mrs. Schwade
BODY 2: Answer the following in full and complete sentences on the lines provided.
1. What is the second reason why you have your opinion about your topic?
2. Why is your reason important and why should I care?
3. Write a fact from your research that backs you up.
4. Why is that fact/quote important?
5. What do you want me to remember about your reason?

Argument Essay
Mrs. Schwade

BODY 3: Answer the following in full and complete sentences on the lines provided.
1. What is the third reason why you have your opinion about your topic?
2. Why is your reason important and why should I care?
3. Write a fact from your research that backs you up.
4. Why is that fact/quote important?
5. What do you want me to remember about your reason?

1. What is your opinion of your topic?
2-4. What is most important for me to remember about your essay? (This should be a few

Argument Essay
Mrs. Schwade
6. What would you like me to do with the information youve given me?

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