Erica L. Kinney, R.N.: 926 Potters Road Stillwater, NJ (862) 354-4353

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Erica L. Kinney, R.N.

926 Potters Road

Stillwater, NJ
)i*& Point Re*ional )i*& Sc&ool, +i,lo'a, J-ne 2..9
Passaic /o-nty /o''-nity /olle*e at S///, R.N., 0.0.S in N-rsin* +ece'(er
Work Experience
2arn )ill /are /enter (3enesis )ealt&care 4nc.), Re*istered N-rse, 5arc& 2.1!"
S,eciali6in* in s-("ac-te re&a(ilitation incl-din*, (-t not li'ited to, e7,erience
wit& ort&o,edic re&a(ilitation, a(do'inal s-r*eries, end sta*e cancers, dia(etes
ty,e 4 and 44, cardiac disease, /8P+, /90, and de'entia care.
Sa:ely ad'inisterin* 'edication -sin* t&e 1. ri*&ts o: 'edication
/arin* :or 12"1! ,atients d-rin* 8 &o-r s&i:t.
/linical e7,erience incl-din*, (-t not li'ited to, 49 insertion, trac&eoto'y
s-ction and care, ;oley insertion, wo-nd care and dressin* c&an*es, wo-nd"
<ac a,,lication and 'onitorin*.
0d'ittin* -,wards o: 2"3 ,atients d-rin* one 8 &o-r s&i:t. Process incl-din*
co',letion o: ad'ission assess'ents, ,&ysician=s order :or's, 50R=s and
>0R=s, and <accinations.
?tili6in* n-rsin* ,rocess wit& daily c&artin*, n-rsin* notes, and care ,lans.
Practicin* ,rioriti6ation and dele*ation w&ile dealin* wit& ,atient care.
@or#in* closely wit& doctors, ,&ysical t&era,ists, occ-,ational t&era,ists,
s,eec& t&era,y, n-rsin* assistants and social ser<ices :or well ro-nded
co',re&ensi<e care.
2arn )ill /are /enter (3enesis )ealt&care 4nc.), /erti:ied N-rsin* 0ssistant, 2.11"
5arc& 2.1!
S,eciali6in* in lon* ter' &ealt&care, as well as ac-te re&a(ilitation
/arin* :or 1."1 ,atients at a ti'e d-rin* a s&i:t, w&ic& incl-des co',lete care
,atients, as well as re&a(ilitation assistance.
0ssistin* t&e n-rsin* sta::, (y co',letin* t&e dele*ated tas#s assi*ned.
Sc&ed-led days, e<enin*s, and o<erni*&ts on a ty,ical 8"&o-r s&i:t sc&ed-le.
+oc-'ent ,atient=s 0cti<ities o: +aily Li<in* ,a,erwor# d-rin* e<ery s&i:t.
0ssist new e',loyees wit& learnin* Ao( res,onsi(ilities
5aintainin* isolation ,reca-tions t&ro-*&o-t t&e :acility, alon* wit& ,ro,er -se
o: Personal Protection EB-i,'ent.
;riendly=s 4ce /rea' L.L./, Ser<er, 2..6"2.11
Pro<idin* B-ality c-sto'er ser<ice to ,atrons, anyw&ere :ro' 6"12 ta(les at a
5aintainin* sanitary wor#in* conditions ,er co',any ,olicy
Kee,in* order o: in<entory ,er co',any ,olicy
Erica L. Kinney, R.N.
@or#in* wit&in a tea'"oriented en<iron'ent
5aintainin* indi<id-al ,ayroll, incl-din* ,ay s&eets and ti, s&eets.
Volunteer Work
Stillwater 0rea 9ol-nteer ;ire /o',any E7e',t=s 0ssociation, 5e'(er, 2..9"
0cti<e 'e'(er o: t&e State E7e',t=s 0ssociation o: t&e :ire de,art'ent
8r*ani6e and r-n :-ndraisers and e<ents t&at (ene:it t&e :ire co',any
/ater (anB-ets ran*in* :ro' s'all (. ,atrons) to lar*e (3.. ,atrons).
Res,ond d-rin* e'er*encies and nat-ral disasters to 'aintain t&e :ire &o-se as
an e'er*ency s&elter
Ens-re <ol-nteers are :ed, &ydrated, and in *ood &ealt& d-rin* lar*e
Stillwater E'er*ency Resc-e SB-ad, 5e'(er, 2.1."2.13
Pro<ided 2LS ser<ices to t&e >owns&i, o: Stillwater and s-rro-nded
0ssisted 0LS ,ro<iders renderin* t&eir ser<ices
Ens-red all ,atient in:or'ation was correct :or t&e recei<in* &ealt&care :acility,
incl-din* ,atient &istory and 'edication c&arts.
0ssisted wit& re&a(ilitation :or t&e :ire de,art'ents d-rin* e'er*encies
Kee,in* t&e eB-i,'ent and wor#in* conditions o: t&e a'(-lance adeB-ate :or
state and local ,rotocols
;-ndraised :or t&e (ene:it o: t&e resc-e sB-ad
/PR :or t&e (ystanderC0'erican Red /ross (2..D"2.1.)
2asic Li:e S-,,ort :or t&e )ealt&care Pro:essional (/PR) " 0'erican )eart
0ssociation (2.1."Present)
8S)0 Re:erence 2lood(orne Pat&o*ens (2.1."Present)
/erti:ied N-rsin* 0ssistant (2.11"5arc& 2.1!)
Re*istered N-rse (5arc& 2.1!",resent) in t&e State o: New Jersey.
+e,art'ent o: /ons-'er 0::airs License E26NR1D1D...

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