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What is Red Rice

Red Rice is a unhulled rice, meaning only the outer hard husk has been removed, leaving the
inner cover (bran) of the rice grain intact.. It has a slightly nutty flavor and feels course in your
mouth. Because of the germ of the rice is left intact it has high nutritional value. Red rice is
meaty and has volume. One could say its heavy because just a little fills you u fast. Red Rice
is mostly gro!n in "sia and tends to be fairly e#ensive because the yields tend to be lo! but of
high $uality. %ven !ithin "sia there are many varieties of Red Rice.
Benefits of Red Rice
Red rice has relatively high dietary fiber & 'els maintain bo!el health, lo!ers cholesterol,
control blood sugar levels and regulate !eight as little !ill make you fuller.
Iron & (ith ))* iron, Red Rice hels the body develo red blood cells, because iron carries the
life giving o#ygen to human blood cells.
Anti-oxidant & One +ri ,ankan study indicated that, brans of selected +ri ,ankan traditional red
rice ossess marked antio#idant roerties and consumtion may lay an imortant role in
revention of o#idative stress associated chronic diseases.
Allergies - Red rice counters the allergy-inducing effect of histamine. .reat for asthma and
allergy sufferers.

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