Assessment Plan

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Showcase Lesson Assessment Plan

Objective - By the end of the lesson, students should have basic comprehension of what a 'theme' is.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify the theme(s) of The Sniper.
Assessments ! "re-assessment, #urin$ assessment, "ost-assessment
Format of formative assessments ! % verbally as&ed the students how much they &new about theme in
literature, % observed the students' performance of understandin$ durin$ the lesson and % chec&ed their
understandin$ while $oin$ throu$h a "re'i presentation. % as&ed the students (uestions and had them
repeat the correct answers bac& to me before movin$ forward.
)y pre-assessment was a brief survey of how many of my students understood what a theme
was in accordance to literature. % displayed the notes on theme at the front of the class with "re'i. )ost
of the students in the class were not &nowled$eable of what theme meant in a literary sense. % as&ed
them to $ive me e*planations of theme, and very few of them had an answer to this in(uiry.
)y durin$ assessment was based on observation of understandin$ while participatin$ in $roups
to determine the themes of specific wor&s that we had already read throu$hout the semester. +fter %
e*plained to them what theme was with the "re'i presentation, they seemed to catch on much more
effectively. % noticed that most of them were more ea$er to discuss what the theme was and what it
meant about the messa$e of the story.
)y post-assessment (,i$ure -.) was a more formal assessment. % $ave the students a (ui' on the
theme. The (ui' also re(uired them to read a very short story in their te*tboo&s, and e*plain the theme
of this story to me in a short essay. .early all of the students who too& the (ui' were completely
informed of the theme. They were able to apply the lesson that % tau$ht them with the "re'i to the short
story, and use the information to ma&e inferences of their own. This allowed me to observe their critical
thin&in$ s&ills. % was impressed with their answers.
Figure 1.
All of the questions in this quiz come straight from your notes and the short story that we read as a
class. The quiz is broken up into multiple choice, short answer, and true or false sections. You may
not use your notes.
Multiple Choice Choose the answer that best fits the question.
+ theme can be e*pressed in......
a) one to two words
b) at least one sentence
c) one para$raph
d) a pa$e
+ subject can be e*pressed in.....
a) one to two words
b) at least one sentence
c) one para$raph
d) a pa$e
!hort Answer Answer the question in one complete sentence.
/hat is theme in literature0 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
/hat is a subject in literature0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
True or "alse Circle true if the statement is true and false if the statement is false.
The 2ensors was a short story about restrictive
society T345 ,+6S5
7ne of the themes in The 2ensors is that 8uan T345 ,+6S5
was a 9er&
8uan ended up censorin$ his own letter T345 ,+6S5
8uan:s fear of restrictive $overnment caused T345 ,+6S5
him to behave foolishly

Short answer: Answer in one to three sentences.
;ow was 8uan:s situation ironic0 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Short answer: In one to two sentences, write down what you think the theme of The Censors is.
To determine student-learnin$, % will compare the pre and post-assessment scores. The pre-assessment
scores are based solely on my observation of their pro$ress durin$ the presentation from verbal
chec&in$ of comprehension. The post-assessment scores are recorded from their (ui''es.
Student Pre-Assessment Post- Assessment
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