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The Predator

October 24, 2014 Volume 23 Heritage High School, Broadlands, IL

Pages 2-7 Features
Pages 8-10 Sports
Pages 11-12 Spotlights
Page 13 Fun
Page 14 Yearbook Order

Good luck to the VGH
Football and Cross
Country teams at State,
and good luck to the
Heritage Volleyball team at
Newspaper Staff
Ashley Bosch
Brooke Doxtator
Lexi Hall
Taylor Hughes
Mallory Jones
Savannah Pleasant
Sofie Schwink
Abigail Stites
Katelyn Stokes
Ashlee Walters
Brianna Ward
Adviser, Mrs. Fuller
Donkeys on the basketball court. Pulled pork supper. A Principal kissing a
donkey. Its whats happening Sunday, October 26 at the junior high school.
This is the first year that the Post Prom Committee is sponsoring a Donkey
Basketball game! They are doing it because they are trying to raise money
for the upcoming 2015 junior and senior Post Prom. Basically, people ride a
donkey and just play regular basketball.
There are two teams on the court and five players excluding the coaches.
The coaches are Mr. Peyton and Mrs. Sanders. The Post Prom Committee
hopes to have a big turnout!

Breakfast Club Invitees
Tucker Richardson
Brian Rushing
Aubrey Tate
Chance Lemmon
Cece Ruwe
Candace Doggett
Jurry Gootee
Sam Smith
Jordan Wolf
Brent Pruitt
Taylor Hughes
Amber Zook

Three Pointer From on a Donkey?
By Savannah Pleasant
Dustin Lutz, Ryan
Fitzgerald, Macey
McKee, Adelai
McKinzie, Chance
Lemmon, and Tyler
Dickey are just a few
of the many people
participating in our
very first Donkey
Basketball game
October 26, 2014.

Alash, a musical ensemble
from the country of Tuva,
performed at Heritage
High School on Monday,
October 20. Alash
performs throat singing
and plays instruments
native to the plains of
Tuva. Students were so
taken by them, they
attempted to throat-sing
like the group all day long.
Photo by Sue Fuller
Photo Obtained from Creative Commons

Dave Ramsey Is a Hit!
By Taylor Hughes

Last year wasnt the only year for change. This
change is happening right inside Mrs. Fullers
classroom. After two years of Fuller teaching
Consumers Resource Management, the
program switched from Economic Education for
Consumers, which was text book based, to
Foundations in Personal Finance, which is more
video based. The videos played feature Dave
Ramsey, American financial author, radio host,
and motivational speaker, and his daughter,
Rachel Cruze, who was taught growing up with
Ramsey as a father how to manage and be
smart with money.
Eighteen seniors are currently taking the class.
Out of the eighteen, six say it is their favorite
class and all of the eighteen believe that they
will be applying this class to their lives as they
get ready for college. Senior Brody Cole is taking
the class very seriously.
I have had in depth conversations with my
parents about money and my future. This class
has helped open my eyes to how money works
and how I will be using it, said Cole.
A big thing that Ramsey always stresses is that
no debt is good debt and that if you save up and
pay cash for a purchase than you will never
have to worry. Another thing he stresses is that
we should pay cash for college and avoid
student loans. At first Cole didnt think it was
possible because student loans seemed so
normal and college is very expensive. So he
started to look around for deals and one of the
best deals was if he went to a community
college for two years and then transferred into
a four year university he would save up to
14,000 dollars.
Cole will be attending Parkland College for
two years and easily pay for it with his part-time
job. Meanwhile he is going to save up the extra
money he makes. After the two years he is
planning on transferring to Eastern University in
Charleston, IL. and paying for it with the money
he saved up.
Dave has made planning for college fun rather
than stressful, said Cole.
Debt in America has become somewhat of a
norm. Ramsey firmly believes that you have to
be smart about buying. This means you should
never buy things with money you do not have
and also to never buy anything if you dont
know all of the details and terms.
I will not fall for all the gimmicks people try
to sell you to buy something I dont have to
impress people I
dont like and I
IN DEBT! said
Cole after he
was asked how
he is going to
apply this class
to his life.

Photo By Taylor Hughes
Dakota Lutz gets his Foundations book
out of his locker before class.

Tweeting en Espaol
At the start of this year students
were given a new cell phone policy. Were
piloting a green card and red card system;
green card meaning you may be on your
phone and red card meaning your phone
shouldnt be seen.
Mr. Sanchez has branched off of
this new policy, so the Spanish students
can interact through Twitter during class.
At the start of every week students must
share a sentence in Spanish of what they
did over the weekend, this Twitter page
allows students to share publically and
interact with each other through it.
However, this isnt the only use of
the Twitter page for students. Mr.
Sanchez uses this page to update students
on upcoming assessments and quizzes.
The upper classmen can even access
Spanish articles shared through the
Twitter page and have class discussions
over them.
Mr. Sanchez said, its doing very
well and is a great technology tool for the
students to become aware of. He also
believes its a way for students to remain
more connected on class issues.

The new cell phone policy is taking
a positive turn in our Spanish classes, and
allowing students to incorporate
technology in classroom activities.

Above is the Twitter page made by
Mr. Sanchez. The first tweet is
reminding the 4B Spanish class that
a quiz is coming up, and the bio is
saying Welcome to Spanish class!
Upcoming Events!
Oct. 25 Haunted House. 8pm @ High School.
Oct. 26 Donkey Basketball 4pm @ Jr High.
Oct. 27-29 Volleyball Regionals @ Martinsville.
Oct. 29-31 FFA National Convention.
Nov. 1 Football IHSA Playoffs - TBD.
Nov. 7 Cross Country @ State TBD.
Nov. 12 VGH Fall Sports Banquet @ VG.
Nov. 14 Meet The Play Night @ Heritage.
By Lexi Hall
Photo by
Photo by Sofie Schwink

Mrs. Rosene sits in Mrs.
Camposs room on her last day.
Now that shes done with her
time here, she will be able to
spend more time visiting nursing
homes with her therapy dogs.
Mrs. Derby wraps up
her day in the science
room. She will be
staying at Heritage until
Christmas break.

Super Subs at Heritage
By Sofie Schwink
At the beginning of this year, there were
some familiar faces back at Heritage. Mrs.
Campos and Mrs. Hopper were both on
maternity leave, so Mrs. Rosene and Mrs.
Derby took their places.
All but the freshman class had Mrs.
Rosene in junior high English, and many
people were happy about her return.
I was happy about Mrs. Rosene coming
back because shes awesome and everyone
loves her, said sophomore Lindsey Stokes.
Mrs. Rosene taught English at the junior
high for 18 years. She retired, and now
periodically subs at the high school. This
was her first time subbing for a teacher on
maternity leave.
I dont consider
myself a sub. I consider
myself an actual teacher
when I walk in any
classroom, said Mrs.
Mrs. Rosene really
enjoyed working with
her old students,
and enjoyed getting
to know the
freshman class. She
was happy to take a
break from her
especially to sub at the high school. I loved
junior high when I was down there, but it
was nice seeing how the kids have grown
up, said Mrs. Rosene.

Mrs. Derby is currently subbing for Mrs.
Hopper. She has
subbed a lot in the
past at Heritage,
and subbed during
both Mrs. Hoppers
first maternity
leave and Ms.
Whites maternity
leave. She has been
subbing at Heritage
for twelve years.
Mrs. Derby has
already met all the
sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and she
was very happy to see all of them again, but
she was also excited to meet all of the
freshmen. In all the classes, the general
student attitude towards Mrs. Derby is
I think we can amplify our learning skills
with Hopper if we accept some of Derbys
ideas and methods for good, said junior
Gabe Gilbert.
While she doesnt like teaching science as
much as she likes teaching math, Mrs.
Derby was happy to rise to the occasion
because she enjoys teaching.
I like doing what Im doing and its not
really stressful if you like doing what youre
doing, said Mrs. Derby.
Even though after Christmas break, both
subs will be gone, they plan to continue
coming back to sub at Heritage in the


By Mallory Jones
Fundraising. Every class does it, every
class has to pay for prom, senior trip and
homecoming; but our junior class is coming
up short.
As a junior you have to pay for prom and
the entails room rental, decoration, food
and the party favors that get given out. We
fundraise by selling flower bulbs your
freshman year. We also did a fundraiser
sophomore year. Less than half of our class
actually sold fundraisers and if they did it
was very little.
This years junior class has approximately
$3,300 in its account. Usually at this time a
class would have approximately $5,000.
Concessions usually help raise money for
the class, but since the co-op we have fewer
opportunities to sell things. We only have
had 6 home volleyball games this year and
we dont have football concessions any
more. Including basketball there are only a
total of 18 home games this year.
Another thing that is hurting our
fundraising abilities is pop machines. The
state mandated that we cant sell pop and
only certain Gatorades and other food
items. The only way we can sell items are if
they are below a certain number of calories.
Fewer Students are purchasing soda then in
the past. The last fundraiser you do is for
your senior year is selling Beef House rolls.

By senior year, a class usually has $8,000
before they pay for homecoming or senior
trip. This years senior class has about
$5,000 in their account. The class of 2011
had $9,500 in their account after paying for
prom and homecoming. The last trip that
Mrs. McMillan and Mrs. Hopper sponsored
cost $11,600. Work your fundraisers and
youll have more money, Said Mrs.
McMillan. Please dont blame your
sponsors when you dont have enough
money, we dont have much control over

The junior class is selling raffle tickets in an effort
to raise more money. You can win up to $500! See
a junior if you are interested in buying a ticket for
$10! All proceeds go towards post prom and all
the left over money is getting donated back to the
junior class.
Heritage drama/art club is hosting the 4
annual haunted house on October 25!
The scary times will begin at 8 P.M. at the High school.
Candace Eldridge and Dylan Reinhart working
concessions at one of the volleyball games.
Photo by: Ashlee Walters
Raising Funds for Fun
Little Shop of Horrors

Drama Club is preparing this years play,
Little Shop of Horrors, which is a musical
about a man-eating Venus-Flytrap type of
plant. Almost every day of the school week,
Drama club has practice for two full hours,
filled with nothing but singing and lines.
I think play practice is coming along well-
everyone is very excited about the
production and the end result is dedication
towards the cause. Overall, Im happy with
how its going. Lena Leonberger said. This
is Lenas third year in Drama club.
Auditions were last May, so the cast could
be given the script and music to practice
over the summer. There are several
characters, such as Seymour, Audrey, Ms.
Mushnik, the plant - Audrey Two, the
Dentist, the Doo Wop gang, and various
Skid Row community members.
They have been practicing since early
September, first in Mrs. Yargers room, and
now on the stage in the gym. On days
where Drama Club is the only group in the
gym, they open the curtains, and sing very
Most days, only one act of the two-act
musical can be finished at a single practice.
Often, the volleyball team can hear the
play, and hear the students singing.
Playing volleyball is much more
enjoyable while listening to the play sing.
They are doing great and Im super excited
to see it, Bailey Bryan said.
This past week, all members involved had
to stop using scripts, going off of their
memory. Most did well, since the scripts
were handed out last school year.
We got our scripts the end of last year.
Mrs. Yarger gave us a very reasonable
deadline of October 20
. We all have done
very well, but we still ask for help. I cant
wait until its all put together and we can
show everyone all the hard work we have
put into it. Mallory Jones said.
For all of you wishing to see Little Shop of
Horrors, it is going to be performed on
November 21 and 22 at 7:00pm at Heritage
High School.

Mallory Jones, Amber Zook, Lena Leonberger, Gabriel
Bielenberg-Gilbert, and Sam Smith practice Little Shop of
Horrors. Each student sang or rehearsed lines, while Mrs.
Yarger watched.
Photo by Sofie Schwink
By Ashlee Walters

Senior of the Week
By Brianna Ward
Each week a selected senior is chosen to
have their very own week to be featured
here at Heritage. That senior gets a chance
to have their highest achievements
highlighted, and that senior is allowed to
put up pictures of themselves (appropriate
pictures) in a case along with any
sentimental objects they can fit.
There is no limit to the amount of
pictures each student may bring it is all up
to the students. A variety or assortment of
pictures being displayed allows others to
really look into the life of seniors and see
how they grew up and maybe share some
of their special memories as a child.
Senior of the week was founded by a
previous English teacher before Mrs.
Campos. Originally during senior of the
week the resum the seniors were to fill out
at the beginning of the year was sent into
the local newspaper to be published and
shared not just with the students and staff,
but with the whole community as well.
The resum the students fill out at the
beginning of the year is subject to change.
The students may go in at any time and add
things to their resum, such as recent
extracurricular activities they joined or
activities they have decided to quit.

Mrs. Kohlbecker said, No student has to
participate, I just think its a great way to
highlight their achievements. Its kind of
nice for some kids who arent really in a lot
to just have a week for them to just show
what theyre interested in.
The main purpose of senior of the week
isnt really to brag about a certain student
or students, but to honor them for
everything they have achieved and worked
so hard to get.
Senior of the week recognizes all the work
each senior has put in to better themselves
and their education. It gives the student
body an insight to what their future plans
and/or goals are.


Photo by: Brianna Ward
Last weeks senior of the week Noah Danner
has his pictures displayed out for everyone to
admire. Noahs pictures range from his
earliest childhood years to his years here at
Heritage High School.


Heritage for the Kill Against Breast Cancer
By Ashley Bosch

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness
month, Heritage hosted the Hutsonville
Tigers for the Volley for the Cure game on
October 14th. Both teams wore pink shirts
for the occasion, and the fans packed the
gym pink. Many festivities were planned
for the night also.
For the JV games, Hutsonville won the
first game, 25-21. Heritage came back with
a win of 25-19. Taking it to a third match,
Hutsonville beat Heritage, 15-12. Varsity
also played three games, the first win going
to Heritage, 26-24. The second game,
Hutsonville won with a score of 25-22.
Heritage took a 25-23 victory in their third
match of the night.
Along with the volleyball matches, there
were other activities going on that night.
There was facepainting, a raffle for various
prizes, and a game was put on by the
Heritage FCCLA where participants could try
to hit targets with their serves for prizes.
FCCLA treasurer, Austin Dalle was at the
event to help out with the activities.
Breast cancer is an important issue that
needs to be addressed and solved It
makes people more aware of whats
happening around them and how much it

affects those with breast cancer and their
families, Dalle said.
Facts about the particular type of cancer
were hung up in the entryway for people to
read as they entered the school. Volley for
the Cure raised awareness about breast
cancer in the Heritage community, and a
moment of silence was taken out of respect
for all of those lost to breast cancer and
those who have survived it.

Photo by Sofie Schwink
Head Coach Jeremy Richards and Assistant Coach
Andrea Wolf call a time out during the first JV game.
They strategized and gave the girls a pep talk to get
their heads back in the game on October 14, 2014.

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Heritage High School Publications

Bump, Set, Spike!
By Katelyn Stokes
The volleyball season has gone by fast for
the Heritage players this year. The seniors
this year are Taylor Hughes, Elissa Baxter,
Adelai McKinzie, Micaela Childress, Macey
McKee, and Jenna Davis. These girls only
have regionals left to play before the end of
their season. The Hawks played Judah-
Christian on Monday, October 20,
Martinsville on Tuesday, October 21, and
Villa Grove on Thursday, October 23 to
finish off the busy week. The game against
Martinsville on Tuesday was the Hawks
senior night recognizing all the seniors on
the team. Also the game against Villa Grove
on Thursday was VGs senior night.
When asked about this season Freshmen
Courtney Stewart and Olivia Pleasant had
good things to say. At the beginning the
girls thought being on the team was very
nerve-racking, says Stewart and Pleasant.
Now I dont feel as nervous anymore. We
felt very welcomed on the team and all the
seniors gave us really good advice, says
Both girls said that they Didnt really
know what to do at first, but help from the
coaches and other teammates made them
feel better.
I then asked Senior Macey McKee what
her thoughts were on this year.
I didnt think that we did as well as we
could have, she says. Next year I hope
that the girls do better than we did this
When asked whether she was sad about
her season being almost over McKee
replied, Yes, I am sad because it will be the
last volleyball games I will play for
The next game will be for regionals and
they have high hopes for it.

Varsity players Adelai McKinzie, Macey McKee.
Micaela Childress, Bailey Bryan, and Micheala Hallett
celebrate the point they got in their game. This was
the second tournament game in Cumberland that
they played in a few weeks ago. The girls lost this
Photo by Ashley Bosch
VGH Girls Basketball

Are you ready for the upcoming girls
basketball season? This season will be
sponsored by Villa Grove. Their first practice
starts on November 3, 2014, which is just
around the corner.
I look forward to playing with the girls
again and improving individually and as a
team, Senior Micaela Childress said.
This will be Childress last year playing
with the VGH girls basketball team, along
with Heritages Elissa Baxter. The seniors
that go to Villa Grove include Rebecca
Bishop and Kirsten Oberg.
The VGH co-op has been the best for
everyone. The ability to have a junior
varsity and a varsity schedule is so
important to build a confident program,
head coach Dan Sappenfield said.
Sappenfield also thinks the relationships
that the kids have developed due to the
VGH co-op are great and really show on the
basketball court.
As a new freshman, this will be Villa
Groves Makaylah Koeberleins first year
with the co-op.
I think its going pretty good. Its nice to
meet all of you and the co-op has added a
lot of talented players to our team,
Koeberlein said.

Head Coach Dan Sappenfield also believes
to win more games the girls need to
improve the ability to score, especially from
the perimeter. He hopes to improve from
the beginning of the season to the end, just
like last year.
We definitely need some younger girls to
step up because theyre going to help us a
lot this year. Everyone needs to work on
communicating with each other and ball
handling, Childress said.


Dressed in their jerseys, members of the VGH girls
basketball team attend Vincennes Summer Basketball
Camp. The girls were on their way to a basketball
game after competing in one before.
Pictured: Dan Sappenfield, Alana Campbell, Laura Cler,
Micaela Childress, Kyrsten Cox, Emilee Coffin, Rebecca
Bishop, Brooke Doxtator, Elissa Baxter, Aleah
Nickelson, Makaylah Koeberlein
Photo By Mrs. Koeberlein
By Brooke Doxtator
Spotlight on Mr. Gerard
By Brianna Ward
Fifty-five year old teacher Mr. Gerard has
been teaching for approximately fifteen
years, beginning at Heritage in 2001. Mr.
Gerard said, My experience here at
Heritage has been great! Before teaching
at Heritage, Mr. Gerard went to college at
Ball State University for four years, and was
a part of PGA (Professional Golf
Besides golf, Mr. Gerard enjoys fishing,
camping, and for a little exercise bicycling in
his free time; but overall Mr. Gerard values
his family time. Besides his Heritage family
Mr. Gerard also has a family of his own
including a nineteen month old
granddaughter and dogs.

Mr. Gerard starts off his day by collecting
the newspaper, letting his dogs out, and
starting a fresh pot of coffee.
One of Mr. Gerards favorite quotes is, So I
got that going for me. For all of his
students Mr. Gerard says, My hope is that
students will understand that their choices
and decisions they make during high school
can affect them for the rest of their lives.

Teacher Spotlight

Photo by Brianna Ward
Mr. Gerard opens Auto Cad
during tutorial to show students
the type of material it displays.
Spotlight on Mr. Rowell
By Sofie Schwink
Mr. Rowell has been teaching at Heritage for7 years. Lots of
students enjoy taking his classes, and he is loved by many.
Mr. Rowell is the bomb, said junior Sam Smith.
Mr. Rowell went to Wheaton College and began as a math
major, then switched his major to anthropology.
His first teaching job was at Rantoul Township high school.
After teaching for 10 years, he went back to graduate school.
If I could be, I would be a professional student. Its one of
those things that just appeals to me, said Mr. Rowell.
Mr. Rowell had several teaching jobs before he came to Heritage. He taught both
middle school and high school, and spent some time as a contractor.
Mr. Rowell now spends his time devoted to his job. He spends most of his time
after school making lesson plans and grading papers. When he has free time during
the school year, he likes to read. In the summer, he enjoys gardening and spending
time outdoors.
Photo by
Sofie Schwink
Mr. Rowell sits at his
desk at the end of the
day. Even though the
school day has ended,
his work is not finished.

Megan Perry is enjoying her
lunch brought from home.
Megan brings her lunch to
school every day, because she
doesnt enjoy the lunch
provided by the school.
Photo by Abigail Stites
Editors Note: Each month a student is selected at random to be profiled. Megan is our first student spotlight

A Peek into Megan Perrys Life
By Abigail Stites
Megan Perry is 16 years old, a Junior in
high school, she has a cat named Twilight,
playing Sims is one of her hobbies, and
these are just a few facts about her.
Perry is involved in everything art! She
frequents the art room for Drama Club, Art
Club, and Crotchet/Cross-
Stitch Club.
For Art Club she is going to
be part of the Haunted House
at Heritage High School trying
to scare the socks off the
student body. Perry recently
enjoyed a Crotchet/Cross-
Stitch lock-in two weeks ago. She
spent the night watching
movies and hanging out with
her friends. In Drama Club she
is working behind the scenes
making props for the play. On
the nights of the play she will
be helping with make-up and sound.
On the topic of being creative, she says
that drawing and making things are really
enjoyable. She really likes the puppet
project in art class. When she worked with
clay she was really happy to be able to do
so many projects!

Perry really enjoys reading. She reads a lot
of fiction/fantasy, for example her favorites
are Percy Jackson and the Olympians,
Inkheart, and the famous Twilight! Her
favorite of the Twilight Saga is Eclipse.
Out of all the music artists out
there Meghan Trainor is Perrys
favorite. Her favorite songs by
Trainor are All About That Bass
and Dear Future Husband.
When driving to school she drives
her moms black Hyundia Elantra,
Which she likes very much.
For the future Perry plans on going
to Parkland Community College then
transferring to University of Illinois
for Graphic Design. Her plan is to
stick around Central Illinois so that
she can be close to her family.
Megan is really nice and relaxed, and she
likes to hang out with her friends, says her
friend Ashlee Walters.
Megan has goals and she knows how to
get them.

Student Spotlight

Gerards Jokes
1. Time Flies like an arrow, fruit
flies like a banana.
2. What do you call it when
Batman skips church? Christian

Rowells Quote
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether
twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps
learning stays young. The greatest thing
you can do is keep your mind young.

The man who doesnt read good books has
no advantage over the man who cant read
Mark Twain
US humorist, novelist, short story
author, & wit (1835-1910)

Places Quote
A goal without a plan is just a

Photo by Malory Jones
Stewart Wolf looks at the camera before walking to get
a drink during the homecoming game.

Photo by Mrs. Mohr
Taylor Pruitt, Malory Jones, Jury Gootee, and
Ethan Ward pose in silly outfits at the FCCLA
leadership rally.

Photo by Kaitlyn Stokes
The students who were invited to the first
breakfast club of the year pose together after
receiving their awards. Teachers invite students
who demonstrate integrity, character, kindness,
and other good behavior.

The 2015 Heritage High School yearbook, The Hawk,
sells for $55 through December 31
. Any books
ordered after January 1
will be $60. The book will
be hardcover and full-color.
Name imprint is available for $5.50.

I would like to order
___ High school yearbook(s) at $60 ($55 if ordered by 12/31/14)
___ Name imprint - $5.50
Clearly print name to be imprinted ____________________________

Name ___________________________________ Current Grade_________
Amount Enclosed (checks payable to Heritage Schools)_____________

Contact Mrs. Sue Fuller at the high school, 834-3392, or via e-mail at with questions.

High School
2015 Yearbook Order

The Predator is a limited public forum, a student publication
used as a learning tool for building journalists and as an
information source for students, staff and parents. While the
newspaper staff does all it can to ensure accuracy and
reliability, some errors may appear.

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