Artist Statement Book Review

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Artist Statement

Title of piece: The Collaborative Classroom Book Review

Artist: Alexis Brady
Genre: Writing (Book Review)
Materials use: Computer, Microsoft Word, paper
Genre Project Topic: Classroom Management
Specific focus for this Genre: Uses a book review with an excerpt explaining five of the worst
things to do in the classroom.

This genre is a book review, which uses text based elements to inform readers about a specific
topic. I chose a book review because it allows the reader to focus on specific information
especially the list within the review that is used as an excerpt from the book. My goal with this
genre is to highlight specific, but poor examples of classroom management and the consequences
of these poor decisions. My goal with this book review is to shed light in a humorous way on
particular ideas than often people think work well in a classroom but can often do more harm
than good.
Regarding the creation of this genre the date is posted at the top like a typical newspaper or
online article, just as the section and page number as well as the title of the entire publication
itself. This allows a reader to easily understand where he or she should find things and
understand that this is similar to a real journal or newspaper article. I used book review because a
movie sounded too daunting and Im not sure I could have added enough action to the review,
but this is perfect as it is set up in a self-help genre of book. The title of the book is The
Collaborative Classroom signifying that a classroom is more than just a separation between
teacher and students, but a collaboration of the two that create a healthy learning environment for
everyone. The topic of this genre was classroom management because in order to be an effective
and great teacher a teacher needs to know how to manage her classroom with a firm, but gentle
hand. Its a delicate balance, but most often students can be forgiving and give teachers a second
chance if they mess up, but likewise it is important that a teacher realizes this too. Managing a
room of 20 to 30 individuals is difficult, so a little help from a self-help book is a sure fire way to
solve some of the issues.

Marzano, R. J., & Marzano, J. S. (2003). The Key to Classroom Management. Educational
Leadership, 61(1), 6-13.
M. Mark Wasicsko and Steven M. Ross. (1994) How to Create Discipline Problems. The
Clearing House, Vol. 67, No. 5, pp. 248-251

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