Bsa Student Budget Activities Request 2014-2015

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NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Black Student Assocaton

CONTACT !ERSON: Ma"a #oods
ADDRESS: $%&' #est Bet(el A)e* A+t* ,-&

!.ONE: -&/0,&10&2%1
T(s s(ould 4e a lst o5 t(e 46oad 7oals "ou 8s( to acco9+ls( n t(e ne:t "ea6* !lease 4e su6e to
su49t a co9+lete lst o5 7oals* Du6n7 ne:t "ea6;s 4ud7et +6ocess "ou 8ll 4e asked to e)aluate
"ou6 success n ac(e)n7 t(ese 7oals* <=ou 9a" attac( e:t6a s(eets 5 necessa6"*>
Goal &: To 7an a la67e6 +e6centa7e o5 t(e A56can A9e6can student +o+ulaton as 6e7ula6
attendees o5 t(e Black Student Assocaton e)ents and 9eetn7s 4" (ostn7 5e8e6 7ene6al 4od"
9eetn7s and 9o6e e)ents*
Goal ': To +6o9ote 9o6e educatonal and cultu6al as+ects o5 t(e o67an?aton 4" 9+6o)n7 ou6
s7natu6e and annual e)ents*
Goal -: To nc6ease ou6 colla4o6at)e e55o6ts 4" +a6tne6n7 8t( ot(e6 student o67an?atons to
d)e6s5" t(e e)ents 8e o55e6 and t(e +a6tc+ants 8e en7a7e*
Goal $: To encou6a7e and 5acltate t(e leade6s(+ de)elo+9ent o5 ou6 7ene6al 4od" 9e94e6s 4"
s+onso6n7 and attendn7 de)elo+9ental t6ann7s and con5e6ences*
3st t(e t"+es o5 +6o76a9s "ou 8ll s+onso6 suc( as: 5l9s@ s+eake6s@ 6eco7nton +6o76a9s@
ca9+us con5e6ence@ le7al 8o6ks(o+s@ etc* Eac( +a6tcula6 +6o76a9 a6ea s(ould (a)e a 4ud7et
46eakdo8n* =ou s(ould also nclude a secton 5o6 ad9nst6at)e costs 5 a++lca4le*
Black .sto6" Mont(
S+eake6A!e65o69e6 B'@%11*11
!u4lct" 5o6 S+eake6A!e65o69e6 B&11*11
Su++les 5o6 S+eake6A!e65o69e6 B'1*11
Talent S(o8AO+en Mc N7(t B&11*11
!anel <Su++les> B&1*11
Addtonal E)ents B'11*11
!u44n7 5o6 Mont( o5 E)ents B&/1*11
Total $3,100.00
Unity Week Pageant
BSA Co0S+onso6s(+ B&@%11*11
Total $1,500.00
Legends Ball
S+eake6A!e65o69e6 B'@%11*11
A8a6ds and !laCues B'11*11
Na9eta7s B&11*11
!6o76a9s and In)tatons B$11*11
Un)e6st" Cate6n7 B,11*11
Total $3,800.00
Meetings and Events
Un)e6st" Cate6n7 B-@%11*11
Su++les B-11*11
Total $3,800.00
Misellaneo!s E"#enses
!(one Se6)ces B'&1*11
Data C(a67es B&21*/1
!olos 5o6 E:ecut)e Boa6d B&$1*11
Na9e ta7s 5o6 E:ecut)e Boa6d B%1*11
Con5e6ences B&@111*11
.o9eco9n7 B%11*11
OS3 !6ntn7 B&11*11
!6o9otonal Su++les B$11*11
Total $$,5%0.&0
Sc(ola6s(+ B%11*11
B7 $ Bas( B-11*11
Unt" #eek B%11*11
!6ntn7 BD11*11
Msc* O67an?aton Co0S+onso6s(+ B%11*11
Total $$,,00.00
'a*dinal 'o#y P*inting
!6ntn7 E:+enses B&@111*11
Total $1,000.00
T-T.L BU/0ET 1E2UE)T $18,3%0.&0
Unde6 t(e '1&'0'1&- colu9n@ lst t(e actual a9ount "ou (a)e s+ent t(s "ea6 <+lease est9ate
e:+enses t(6ou7( Eune -1@ '1&->* Unde6 FReCuested '1&-0'1&$F lst t(e a9ount "ou 8s( to
s+end ne:t "ea6* T(e colu9ns FReco99endedF and FFnalF a6e 5o6 allocaton co99ttee use onl"*
Actual ReCuested
E"#enses '1&-0'1&$ '1&$0
'1&% Reco99ended Fnal
Black .sto6" Mont '@-%'*$/ -@&11*11
Unt" #eek !a7eant B1 &@%11*11
3e7endGs Ball B1 -@D11*11
Meetn7s and E)ents B&1@%2'*'1 -@D11*11
Mscellaneous E:+enses B'@1,1*-- '@%21*/1
Co0S+onso6s(+s B'@'-1*11 '@,11*11
Ca6dnal Co+" !6ntn7 B&11*11 &@111*11
S U B T O T A 3
&-@-D&*$/ &D@-21*/1
Tcket Sales NAA 56.
Mscellaneous NAA NAA
S U B T O T A 3 B1 B1
&/@--%*11 B&D@-21*/1

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