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The First World Experiences The City Of Smiles

Driving through the dusty streets of Manado Indonesia 18 school kids and 4
adults experience their first glimpse of poverty. Embrace the adventure with no
expectation is their instruction for this journey. The sound of beeping horns
from motorbikes and a bustling city is the most prominent sound for the 20
minute journey to the hotel. Silent wonder fills the bus as the tourists absorb
their home for the next two weeks.
In 2012 a small private school began a partnership with Compassion, a Christian
organization focused on reducing poverty. 18,000 dollars was raised to fund the
child survival project in Manado Indonesia which caters for mothers with
children under the age of 3 who have limited access to infrastructure and
knowledge on how to better their childs life in a poverty stricken country. 22
first world dwellers set off to experience a new culture and witness the
difference that an individual can make. Some were dubious to the purpose
feeling that a greater difference could be made by sending the money used to
travel to the project. However as the travellers experienced the greatest
differences can be made without financial assistance.

Each day begins with a 4am bell as the largely Muslim based towns on the
outskirts of Manado awake to pray. At 6am the travellers who are keen to keep
up their fitness awake for some morning exercise. The humid heat is evident by
the sweat drenched clothes, however this does not worry the enthusiastic
runners. As the travellers leave for their first day at the project, they are ready to
embrace this moment that the have been preparing for. The compassion
translators explain the

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