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Point Cook (P-9) College Year 8 Health/Science

Topic: CERES Excursion

Date: Lesson 8 (whole day)
Before lesson: Remind students they are to bring a clipboard and that the bus leaves promptly at 9.30am
Success Criteria
We are learning about sustainable farming and food production
I can list methods for reducing my ecological footprint
I can describe the differences between organic and conventional gardening/ farming
I can describe how Aboriginal people use native plants for food and medicine
AusVELS Science as a Human Endeavour
Science understanding influences the development of practices in areas of human activity such as
industry, agriculture and marine and terrestrial resource management (ACSHE136)
- describing how technologies have been applied to modern farming techniques to improve yields and sustainability
- investigating how Aboriginal people recognise relationships in ecosystems by burning to promote new growth, attract
animals and afford easier hunting and food gathering
Cross-Curriculum Priority
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture
Intercultural Understanding
Comparing the ecological footprint of different countries and looking at what is being done to
reduce this.
Assessment Formative Assessment
Observing students participation in class discussion and activities throughout the day
Completion of Venn Diagram and Sustainable Gardening worksheets
As a staff member from CERES will be guiding each workstation, I will be available to work
with and guide students who need extra support.
Students requiring an extra challenge have been instructed that they are going to be each
leading a team of students in creating a sustainable garden back at school. So they are to
ask plenty of questions, and I have told them I am expecting the final question on the
Sustainable Gardening worksheet to be filled out in detail.
Time Topic and activities Materials required
9.00-9.30am Mark roll
Pre excursion briefing/distribute worksheets
e5: Engage
Blooms: Creating
Remind students that they are to pay attention, and
take note of anything they would like to implement into
their own vegetable garden back at school.
Prior knowledge: What do they already know
about farming practices and organic farming? (on
a small backyard scale and larger agricultural
What would like to find out more about?
Questions may they want to ask the instructors
First aid kit (incl. Epipens and
medical management plans
as required)
30 mins
9.30 10.20am Bus leaves promptly at 9.30am (approx 40min trip) Bus 50 mins
Point Cook (P-9) College Year 8 Health/Science
10.20-10.30 Introduction to CERES
Students are to participate in three different activities
Ecological footprints
Organic gardening
Bush tucker

10 mins
10.30 -
Ecological Footprints (Workstation 1)
e5: Engage/Explore
Is it possible to balance the 8 sectors of the
economy using nature as a foundation?
Discover how precariously our economy perches
on the environment.
Measure sustainability by calculating your
ecological footprint. Consider your demands on
the planet for food, transport, shelter and
absorption of wastes.
How does Australias average ecological footprint
compare with other nations? What can you do to
reduce it?

50 mins

20 mins
11.10-12pm Organic Gardening (Workstation 2)
e5: Engage/Explore/Explain
Tour the CERES organic farm and discover how
it integrates market gardens, orchards,
propagation areas, organic waste recycling,
aqua ponds and irrigation, stables and animal
paddocks into a sustainable agricultural system.
Hands on activities: soil quality testing,
composting/worm farms, natural pest control,
plant selection and free-range chickens.
Consider the differences between organic and
conventional gardening/farming practises.
Venn diagram
50 mins
12 12.10pm Class discussion/ time to finish worksheets

10 mins
12.10-1.00pm Bush Tucker (Workstation 3)
e5: Engage/Explore
Hear about the history and culture of the
Wurundjeri Aboriginal and Torres Straits
Islander people.
Explore bush-food plants on site and identify
indigenous plant species to learn about their
uses for food, drink and medicine.

50 mins
1.00 - 1.30pm Lunch / Free time

30 mins
1.30 - 2.10pm Back on Bus (2pm)

40 mins
Home Learning: Finish worksheets ready to discuss them next lesson and start thinking about what you would like to
include in our garden.

Point Cook (P-9) College Year 8 Health/Science
Sustainable Gardening

List the sustainable gardening techniques have you learnt today?

What sustainable gardening techniques could be used in our own college garden?

Which sustainable gardening technique would YOU most like to apply? How would you go about doing
this? (Planning, materials required, advantages or disadvantages. Is this plan feasible?)

Point Cook (P-9) College Year 8 Health/Science
Conventional Farming vs. Organic Farming


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