Minutes: 1. Call To Order-Mayor Burnett

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Agenda Item 7.


Closed Session and Special Open Meeting
Thursday, October 2, 2014 12:30 p.m.
Council Chambers, City Hall
East side of Monte Verde Street
Between Ocean and Seventh Avenues

The City Council of the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea met this date in a Closed
Session at 12:36 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, with Mayor Burnett

Members Present:

Mayor: Burnett
Mayor Pro Tem: Beach
Council Members: Dallas, Talmage, Theis

Staff Present:
City Attorney: Freeman
Interim City Clerk: Frontella

Members of the public shall have an opportunity to comment on items listed in the closed
session agenda prior to the Council recessing into closed session. If you want to speak on an
agenda item listed here, please wait until the Mayor opens the item for public comment.
While not required, please state your name for the record and limit your remarks to three (3)

Mayor Burnett opened the meeting to public comments, hearing none; Mayor
Burnett closed the public comments.

Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956 et seq. of the State of California, the City
Council will adjourn to Closed Session to consider the following:

Government Code Section 54957
Title: Interim City Administrator

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Agenda Item 7.A
Council convened to Closed Session at 12:38 p.m. regarding Public
Employee Appointment.

Council returned from Closed Session at 1:22 p.m. Mayor Burnett reported
Council interviewed Douglas Schmitz as City Administrator and the following
action was taken.

MOTION: By motion of Council Member Talmage, seconded by Mayor
Pro Tem Beach to appoint Douglas Schmitz as City Admini strator for
the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea. Passed unanimousl y.

Mayor Burnett opened the meeting to public comments, hearing none; Mayor
Burnett closed the public comments.

There being no future business under Closed Session, Mayor Burnett
adjourned the meeting at 1:26 p.m.


The City Council of the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea met this date in an Open
Session at 1:27 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, with Mayor Burnett
presiding, and full Council in attendance.

Mayor Burnett opened the meeting to public comments, the following citizens
Barbara Livingston noted this is a beautiful picture (referring to dais); she
appreciates the consideration of Douglas Schmitzs appointment as the new
City Administrator. She welcomed him to the City and noted this was an
opportunity to regain and restore confidence and trust.
Karen Ferlito asked how long an Interim serves; she would hope it is long
enough to right the ship.
Mayor Burnett addressed the restriction of a retired employee, he noted this is
an open ended appointment; Mr. Schmitz will be reinstated into active status
with PERS. Mayor Burnett announced the City Administrators start date is
Monday, October 6, and Mayor Burnett will appoint an Ad Hoc Council
committee to work with the City Attorney and Doug Schmitz regarding the
terms of the contract. The final contract will be brought back to Council for
Denny Levitt commented that this was wonderful to see Mr. Schmitz back as
City Administrator; he feels he is the best selection for the City.
Brian Congelton noted it was a new ballgame and joined in the support of
Doug Schmitz. He noted its a breath of fresh air and the best fit for Carmel.
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Agenda Item 7.A
Seeing no further comments, Mayor Burnett closed the meeting to
public comments.

Item 6.A: Appointment of Interim City Administrator
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Talmage, seconded by Mayor Pro
Tem Beach to appoint Douglas Schmitz as City Administrator
effective Monday, October 6, 2014 and the Mayor and Mayor
Pro Tem to form a committee to oversee the contract and bring
back to Council for approval.
After confirming with the City Attorney, Mayor Burnett will appoint (per
Government Code) the Ad Hoc Committee to serve regarding the City
Administrators contract.
Amendment Motion: Council Member Talmage, seconded by Mayor Pro
Tem Beach to withdrew the portion to the motion: Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem
to form committee to oversee the contract.
MOTION TO READ AS: Motion by Council Member Talmage, seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem Beach to appoint Douglas Schmitz as City Administrator
effective Monday, October 6, 2014 and the Mayor to form an Ad Hoc
committee to oversee the contract and bring back to Council for approval.
Council Member Dallas read a statement into the record as follows, I will
certainly support this motion and will work with fellow Council Members to put
these difficult times behind us and move our City forward. While I have some
reservations about moving so quickly, I realize we have a serious crisis on our
hands and must be dealt with immediately. I invite the public to join the City
supporting the interim City Administrator as he works to get the City back on
its feet as he rebuilds the peoples confidence in City Hall and focuses on
healing this community and our workforce. Lastly, I would like to recognize
and thank Don Freemen for stepping in and helping shepherd this Council
through a very difficult time.
Mayor Burnett also thanked the City Attorney for his involvement in moving
the City forward. Mayor Burnett announced that a Town Hall meeting will be
held on October 6, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Sunset Center as an opportunity
to meet Doug.
Mayor Burnett called for a vote on the moti on before Council. By roll call
vote the motion passed unanimously.
AYES: 5 Council Members: Talmage, Beach, Dallas, Theis,
NOES: 0 Council Members:
ABSENT: 0 Council Members:
ABSTAIN: 0 Council Members:

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Agenda Item 7.A
Carolyn Hardy suggested that all employees be invited to the Town Hall
Douglas Schmitz, City Administrator addressed the public, he commented it
is an honored and privilege to serve Carmel and I look forward to moving the
City toward the healing process.

There being no further business, Mayor Burnett adjourned the meeting at
1:46 p.m.


__________________________ __________________________
J ason Burnett, Mayor Lori Frontella, MMC
Interim City Clerk

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Page 13

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