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How much power does the media have?

Teacher: Sophie Benardeau Short
Date: xx/2014 Lesson 1 (100 mn)
Subject: Thinking Processes
Grade level: Year 9
Materials: Video and quiz
Project unmask Video

Animation on What is media?
The role of media in society University of Amsterdam :
Media watch program on the role of the media in making a story worse:

Manila paper, markers, video presentation

AusVels Standard:

Thinking Processes
Students become discriminating thinkers, they continually reflect on their own thinking and identify assumptions that may influence
their ideas. They seek to develop coherent knowledge structures and recognise gaps in their understanding. They are challenged to
identify, use, reflect on, evaluate and modify a variety of effective thinking strategies to inform future choices.

Students begin to formulate and test hypotheses, contentions and conjectures and to collect evidence to support or reject them.
They develop their skills in synthesising complex information and solving problems that include a wide range of variables. Students
develop questioning techniques appropriate to the complexity of ideas they investigate, to probe into and elicit information from
varying sources. They work with others to modify their initial questions and to develop further their understanding that sources of
information may vary in their validity.

They begin to analyse the relationships between ideas, and synthesise these to form coherent knowledge.
Students recognise that different disciplines use different methodologies to create and verify knowledge..

Lesson objective(s):
Brainstorm what Student think media is
Explain unit
Go over assessment etc. TV News report
Definition of terms
Questions they might have about media/the assessment

Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
Use of video to trigger thoughts
Use of game for Student interest and reflection
Divide class in groups to explore the reflection on what we know about media and its influence
Hand out of 5 questions to ask
Hand out of glossary terms

How much power does the media have?

Brainstorming on what Student think when we talk about media
What support does that implies?
Does Media have a power in our society? If yes which one
Does media is objective?

Show student video : ( 20 mn)
In-group of 4 write a definition of media and the role it has in you country.
Questions asked to students following the video:
Where do you see media in your daily lives (home? School?
How do the media affect our perception of reality?
Do you have a favorite brand? why?
Do you think media should be regulated
What are the effects of media in your life?
How do you think the media has impacted your generation?
What are the 5 questions your should ask yourself to become a critical thinker towards media?
Brainstorm on words you know refer to media.
Write a list of 2 minimum media support you know.

Each group to present what they came up with
One student will write further question and assumption on board
Student representative from each group will present their definition of Media.

Wrap up Summary of what has been discussed during the class
Hand out of glossary and journalist code of conduct
Student will research a media input and analyse it
On the next lesson Student will go on a excursion Meet the editor at SBS radio and TV studio
The hand out will explain to student the jargon of journalism

Home work
Student will look at the Media watch program on the role of the media in making a story worse.

Student to analyse the mistake and assumptions journalist made to the story. Assess the story with
the Journalism Code of conduct.

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