Scientific Assistant, University of Visual and Performing Arts

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A Study about the usage of Electronic Resources(ER) for the

academic and other activities by the students of Library and

Information Science (LIS) University of Kelaniya.
The proliferation of electronic resources has had a signifcant impact on the
way the academic community usage, access and studying information. In an
efort to more fully understand how this technology is afecting the
behaviors and attitudes of the students, a survey has been conducted in the
department of LIS niversity of !elaniya.
The main ob"ectives of the study was #.To fnd out how the students in the
department of LIS access and use $% for their academic activities and
researches, &.Identify how the use of $% is in'uential for the studies . (. To
understand the impact given by the department of LIS and the niversity
library on the use of $% ). To gain insight into their awareness of issues
related to access and pursuit of $%. The data for the study were gathered
from responses to a detailed *uestionnaire distributed among #++ students
in the department of LIS. ,athered data was analy-ed using .icrosoft $/cel
which used to tabulate and graphically interpreted the data.
After analy-ing the data, it was found out that 0)1 of the students of the
department of LIS use $lectronics %esources while others aren2t using. $ven
though the ma"ority of the students use $%, their use of $% for the academic
activities is less. And they gained their minimum 3nowledge about $% from
the staf of the niversity Library.
There are some main facts associated about this low percentage use of $%
for the academic activities of the students. The lac3 of 3nowledge about the
educational resources, defcit of the $% in the library, shortage of enough
computers and relevant materials are the main reasons.
In order to fll these discrepancies, some ma"or moves are suggested. They
are, Increase of the practical 3nowledge ofered by the department of LIS,
procuring $% for the Library, conducting practical tests, developing the
3nowledge about the $nglish Language of the students of LIS.
T.D.NS Nawarathna
Scientifc Assistant,
University of Visual and Performing
Keyords ! Electronic Resources" #e$artment of library and
Information Science" access" academic activities"

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