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Unit 3 Notes 1:

Motives of Imperialism
What is Imperialism?
When a stronger nation takes over a weaker
nation socially, economically, or politically
What was the cause of Imperialism?
The Industrial Revolution
How did the Industrial Revolution lead
to Imperialism?
widened the gap
between industrialized
and non-industrialized
To keep factories
running, industrialized
countries required a
steady supply of raw
materials from less
developed countries

Motives of Imperialism
It is important to note that ALL of the motives
for imperialism apply to EVERY
imperial/industrialized country
This includes (but not limited to) England,
France, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, Italy,
and the United States
Motives of Imperialism
The desire to make money
Expand trade
New markets for products
Acquire natural resources
Cheap labor
Motives of Imperialism
Desire to gain power
To compete with other
European countries
To gain prestige by winning
Boost national security
Motives of Imperialism
Spread Christianity
Spread European values
and beliefs
To educate peoples of
other countries

Motives of Imperialism
To explore unknown
To conduct scientific
To find cures for
To go on adventures
Investigate unknown
cultures and lands
Motives of Imperialism
Belief that white race was
Cultures that were not
European were inferior
(Social Darwinism)
Europeans should
civilize peoples in other
parts of the world (White
Mans Burden)
Only the strongest nations
will survive

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