Shehasahouseandihaveacar: A. Have and Has (Affirmative)

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Clase N

She has a house and I have a car

A. Have and Has (affrmative)
These verbs are a little different from the others. In an affrmative sentence you have to choose
between have or has, depending on the subject:
Personal pronoun Have / has
I Have
You Have
He Has
She Has
It Has
We Have
They Have
I have a fast motorcycle.
She has a slow bicycle.
They have a wonderful.
Have and has (negative and interrogative):
In negative statements, its the same process you apply for the other verbs. That is, if using
does the form of the verb is normal (have)
He has a really long name
He doesnt have a really long name
Does he have a really long name?
They have many things in their house
They dont have many things in their house
Do they have many things in their house?
Exercises: complete with have or has (be careful with negative sentences and interroga-
tive ones). Then, translate.
1.- My parents_____________ __________ (not) a beautiful house in the city.
2.- I ________ a fantastic apartment in Toronto.
3.- ______my father _______a new job?
4.- My brother _______a lot of friends.
5.- They ______an English test tomorrow.
6.- This woman ____________ ________ (not) seven children.
7.- ______we _______ a lot of money?
8.- They ________ __________(not ) an ugly monster.
9.- My cousin ______ a new girlfriend.
10.- The pupil ________ _________ ( not) an old pencil box.
11.- _____ you ______ a different name?
12.- My teacher _________glasses.

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