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Clase N

What is she like?

1.- Qualifying adjectives list: Practice pronunciation
Boring Aburrido/a
Tall Alto/a
Kind Amable
Mean Antipatico/a
Artistic Artistico/a
Athletic Atletico/a
Attractive Atractivo/a
Adventurous Aventurero/a
Short Bajo/a
Pretty Bonita/ linda
Affectionate Carioso/a
Funny Divertido/a
Polite Educado/a
Curious Curioso/a
Thin Delgado/a
Unorganized Desorganizado
Absent-minded Distraido
Fun Entretenido/a
Strict Estricto/a
Ugly Feo/a
Skinny Flaco/a
Generous Generoso/a
Fat Gordo/a
Heavy Pasado de peso
Big Grande
Handsome Apuesto
Honest Honesto/a
Impatient Impaciente
Interesting Interesante
Intelligent or smart
Crazy Loco/a
Organized Organizado/a
Patient Paciente
Small Pequeo/a
Lazy Flojo/a
Popular Popular
Cautious Prudente
Strange Extrao
Serious Serious
Agradable/ simpatico/a
Sincere Sincero/a
Outgoing Sociable
Cheap or Stingy Tacao
Shy Tmido
Hard-working Trabajador
Junto con un compaero, discutan y separen los adjetivos califcativos en las
siguientes categoras: Personality/ appearance
Describe yourself, using the adjectives from the list and using the verb to be
Choose one classmate and describe it in front of the class, without saying its
name. Then, let your classmates guess its name. (Add new vocabulary from a
dictionary if necessary)

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