2904 Measurement Locations

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2904.1 Measurements shall be taken at the following locations:

(a) At the propert line of the propert on which the noise source is locate!" or as close
as practicable if there is an obstruction#
(b) At a !istance of one (1) meter from an musical instrument or !e$ice" or lou!
speaker" soun! amplifier" or other similar machine or !e$ice for the pro!uction or
repro!uction of soun!" with e%ceptions as !esignate! in the Act#
(c) At a !istance of twent fi$e feet (2& ft.) from the outermost limits of a construction
site# an!
(!) At a !istance of fift feet (&0 ft.) from the center line of traffic for motor $ehicles.
2904.2 'he microphone shall be at least three feet (( ft.) abo$e the surface while measurements are being
taken" e%cept for motor $ehicle stationar tests which shall be !etermine!.
2904.( 'he microphone orientation shall be as specifie! b the manufacturer.
2904.4 Measurements con!ucte! on pri$ate propert shall be taken with the permission of the owner or
the owner)s representati$e" or un!er the authorit of a search warrant or a court or!er.
2904.& *ut!oor measurements shall not be con!ucte! in the presence of win! spee!s greater than twel$e
miles per hour (12 mph)" nor in the presence of precipitation or fog.
+*,-./: 0inal -ulemaking publishe! at 21 2.- 1499" 1&02 (+eptember 23" 1949).

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