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Deload to Reload

and other stuff

The human body
! The human body is nothing more than an
interdependent matrix system that
communicates with and amongst itself all
day long through electronically charged
molecules-you are an ever evolving and
fluctuating organism that is self-regulating
and supercompensating-you are nothing
more than a bio-electrical field that is hell
bent on one function---SURVIVAL!
Horse/Carrot Theory
!ALL programs work-they only work for
so long-NOTHING works forever!
!To adapt is not to adapt (Louie
!Definition of adaptation
! Hans Selye-GAS (Stress of Life)
! 3 stages (Alarm-Resistance-Exhaustion)
! Body does NOT differentiate stressors-all stress is stress and is
accumulative over time
! Only differentiates between Local and General
! Stress response of the body is greater for training than it is for a broken
bone (general vs. local)
! Training affects 7 different biological systems (omegawave)
" Cardiac
" Cardiopulmonary
" Hormonal
" Detoxification
" Metabolic
" neuromuscular
! All these systems DO NOT adapt at the same time
! Adaptation is also NOT an equilibrium process (Verkoshansky)
Adaptation (cont)
! Is a phenomenon of accommodation
" characterizes the organisms entire reaction
" reflects the specific features of the external
! It is the active maintenance of a definite level
of disequilibrium between the organism and
the environment
" The fundamental reason for the origin and
development of accommodative reconstruction
within the organism (Verkoshansky).
NOBODY has it figured out
! ALL programs are flawed
" training is by nature incomplete
! No perfect training variable
! No two people respond the same to the same
! No one best exercise for anything - they are
all stimulus to be used
! There are those who the only difference
between them and GOD is God knows he is
not them
! REST at some point in time becomes an
actual training methodic
! Recovery/ restoration begins with a well
conceived program that allows for
" It is the first means of recovery!!!
! The optimal load applied during a period of
supercompensation (deload week) creates
a summation/ additive affect that aids in
stabilizing the increase in performance
Other stuff I believe
! There is the opinion of the expert, the opinion of the
coach, the opinion of the athlete and finally the opinion of
the athletes body
! The athletes body is ALWAYS right-their bodies talk to
you during every workout are YOU listening???
! As a coach you should be dynamic and above all flexible
! Everything I know I have learned and I change my mind
on certain things on a daily bases (stole from Mike Boyle)
! Increase in volume or intensity must increase amount of
! Introducing a new exercise also is a means to increase
Reasons for deloading
! Stolen from Jim Wendlers article on Elitefts
! Give the body a rest (replenish CAR)
" take advantage of supercompensation
! Give the mind a rest
! Prevent overtraining-yes Joe Weider & the barbarian
brothers there is such a thing
! Strength training athletes are prone to overtraining
from too much volume (addisonic-sympathetic
inhibition)-which usually occurs in endurance athletes
and from too much intensity (basedowic-sympathetic
over activity)
! Christian Thibaudeau articles on T-nation detail this
more and is a great source of info
Reasons for deloading
! Prevent injury (McGill applied load tissue tolerance-
safety zone)
! Increase chance of progress
" STABILIZE new level of performance if you set a PR in
" shut it down and do not train at that new PR immediately
" allow for the body to accept that new level of increase
! Speed and strength levels fluctuation on a daily basis
" max effort is what you have for that day
" you will not break PRs every time you perform the same
max effort exercise
Examples of deloads
! Deload every 4 weeks-either the 4
week or the 3
! Performance block (USA weightlifting) wk 1-70/6x4 wk2 -77/4x4 wk3-65/7x3
! Base-load-load-deload wk1-75/5x4 wk2-77/4x4 wk3-80/3x5 wk4-70/4x4
! Performance base wk1-72/3x6 wk2-80/2x8 wk3 67/3x6 multiple rep max
based on a training intensity from a previous 1rep max
! Zatsiorsky performs 60% of their highest volume for the training cycle on the
unload week as a rule of thumb-switches lifting to Tues/Thurs and MB
circuits/tempo work on Mon-Wed-Fri. Decreases the volume of work to the CNS
and unloads the joints. His belief that the extra tempo flushes the system and
aids in restoration process
! Wk 1-70/4-6x3 wk2-80/3-6x4 wk3-75/3-6 wk4-85/2-4x5
! Wk1-70/4-6x3 wk2-75/4-6x4 wk3-80/3-6x5 wk4-70/4x3
! Unload from max effort 4 weeks followed by 2weeks of high rep db work 2x20
with 5min rest intervals
! Max effort work is based on 1rep max of exercise/classical example-floor press
is 92% of 1rep bench max for an athlete
! Max effort exercises follow partial/ full movement scheme ex. Floor press-
incline press-3 board- close grip bench- 2 board- weight releasers (80/60-6x1 intervals
Weekly template
! Train Offensive / Defensive Line like throwers
! Train Skill / Linebackers / Tight Ends like sprinters
! Monday
" active/ dynamic warm-up
" Speed mechanics/drills (as part of a/d warm-up)
" Wall acceleration position
" Speed training (Charlie Francis short to long program)
" Example:
" 1
3 weeks hills for acceleration 10/10 10sec rest-2mins- 10/20 20sec rest-
2mins-2/30 30sec rest (skill only)
" Total volume of speed training is between 300-500 yards
" Strength training, pre/rehab, squat, posterior chain work (2 exercises),
jumps before or after (primer or pap)
" Post mobility work/stretch static
" Core stabilization exercises/ timed method
" Strength training guidelines with exception of rehab/ prehab work, NO
MORE than 3-5 exercises
Weekly template
! Tuesday
" Prehab/ rehab work/cuff-neck-traps
" MB or iso holds
" Upper body training
" Max effort exercise
" Assistance exercise for chest (pap)
" Rowing/ back exercise
" Upper back
" (option) light triceps work low intensity-higher volume/reps, 2-3sets
" Abs/ repetition method
" Active/ dynamic warm-up followed by conditioning, example
2min/3min, yardage based on position
" Mobility exercises/ work, static stretch
Weekly template
! Thursday
" Active/dynamic warm-up
" Speed mechanics/drills
" Wall acceleration position
" Speed training-same volume of work as Monday (as
they adapt to workout will change sets and reps )
" Strength training, dynamic effort method (OL / DL, LB /
" Skill # uni-lateral movements (start with BB lunge)
" Post mobility work/stretch static
" Core stabilization/timed method
Weekly template
! Friday
" Pre/rehab work/cuff-neck-traps
" Upper body plyometrics (MBs, altitude drops, isoballistics, depth
drop push-ups)
" Dynamic bench press (start with isomiometrics-then progress to
reactive/speed method-3week waves straight weight, chains and
" Tricep emphasis 1- 2exercises (close grip board presses-db tricep
" Back exercise / vertical pull
" Shoulders/variations of posterior delt raises-lateral raises
" Abs/repetition method
" Active/dynamic warm-up followed by conditioning (progresses from
timed work/rest intervals to Fartleks to tempo work)
" Mobility exercises/static stretch
! Once the body stops learning the body stops growing
! How you perform or present an exercise to the body
is oft times more important than the actual exercise
! Bruce Lee- Having no way as way and no limit as
limit (disregard what is useless and retain what is
! Always search for the Holy Grail and realize there is
no magic formula or magical programs
" there are many means and methods. Use them all!
" there are always ways to improve your training program (if
and only if you are willing to be open-minded)
! Train optimally not maximally
! The following people are held responsible for
maintaining my sanity:
" Louie Simmons and all of the Westside athletes
(which includes Dave Tate and Jim Wendler)
" Tom Myslinski, Allan deGennaro, Paul Childress,
Charlie Francis, My Sportster and Harley
Davidson, most of all Mike Hope who without I
would have begun a heroin addiction years ago!
!Elite fitness system (

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