Monash Lesson Plan Template Edf5923 1of3

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Pre service Teachers Name: Jeany Liong and Se Na Han

Mentor Teachers Name: Ebony and Robyn

School: Brns!ic" East Primary School
#ear level: Pre$aratory
Lesson Title: Hidden %orld & how does plants grow?
Lesson Time and 'ate: Monday 13
September 11:30am
Lesson (ims
At this end of this lesson, students will...
Importance of the water to keep the plants alive
The concepts of absorption roots of the plant absorbing the water
!mo"nt of the water: how m"ch the pants needs to grow strongly
Too m"ch water and too little water can kill the plants
Learning )tcomes *se a$$ro$riate crriclm +rame!or",
-E#L'. )tcome -ELS indicators
Outcome 2.
Children are
connected with and
contribute to their
#$ork in a gro"p% taking t"rns% sharing and caring for e&"ipment
#!re introd"ced to the idea of the classroom being a comm"nity
#'evelop a sense of belonging to the school comm"nity
#(articipate in movement and physical activities that follow r"les and proced"res
and share
#)&"ipment and space safely
#*earn abo"t classroom r"les and why they are needed
#)+plore how and why nat"ral factors affect their lives
#Saving water
Outcome 4
Children are
confdent and
involved learners
/$ith s"pport% make links with their e+isting e+periences and develop the view that
learning is e+ploratory% f"n and rewarding
#,eflect on their thinking% for e+ample why they think what they think abo"t a te+t%
and take time to consider before responding
#-egin to take initiative as learners by asking &"estions when needed and attempting
small pro.ects
#-egin to develop simple e+planations for the phenomena they observe
#!sk and answer simple &"estions for information and clarification
#/se simple pict"res and models to represent design ideas
Outcome 5.
Children are
/0ollow simple instr"ctions
#!sk and answer simple &"estions
/Speak at an appropriate vol"me and pace for listeners1 needs
0hildrens Prior Learning (what do the children already know/what have they covered?)
(lants needs water to s"rvive
esson !lanner 1
Teaching S"ill 'evelo$ment ("hat do you want to develo# as a teacher?)
2ow to *ead and teach the gro"p of children
-"ild relationship with children
'eliver the right information s"ccessf"lly
/nderstand individ"al3 gro"p1s strength% interests and ability
/ndertaking strategies for intention teaching
4onsidering children1s voice 3opinion for the f"t"re c"rric"l"m planning
/tili5ing of materials% environment and approach to ma+imi5e children1s learning
'evelop a strategies and tools to monitor and assess children1s play and learning
Teaching and Learning Pre$aration (resources etc)
6 Transparent c"ps
Tiss"e and cloth
'ifferent colored food dyes
Stirring sticks
Session Strctre
Lesson Phase
Orientation /$ntroduction
2ow best to motivate and
e+plain the importance of
this lesson7 This sho"ld be
for abo"t 6 min"tes with
links to prior learning or
Teachers introd"ce the topic and ask gro"p of children to tell the gro"p what
they already know abo"t:
#2ow tree grows
#$hat the tree needs to have to s"rvive
#8aming parts of the trees
-y asking the children what they already knows can help children gaining
confidence in learning the new s"b.ects
4hildren will "nderstand the importance of the nat"ral reso"rces to living
-"ild the idea of conserving water and be respectf"l to the environment
%eachin& strate&y/earnin&
$hat will s"pport the
st"dents to learn the
concepts yo" are trying to
teach and to reach the
learning o"tcomes7 2ow
will yo" cater for a diversity
of learning needs7
Images to support the learning.-
Interactive group activities/experiments.
work in a group, taking turns, sharing and caring for euipment Co-
constructing ! " teachers with # students. $orming a small group of % and
ensuring the participation of ever& child in each group
'rigger children(s critical thinking b& asking them uestions rather than
giving them a straight answers.
'onclusion /'losure
2ow will yo" capt"re the
main ideas of the lesson7
,ecap3revision etc
Small gro"p disc"ssion
Show and tell abo"t their gro"p work
Swap work with the other gro"p and talk abo"t what they like abo"t others
Sentence starter: eg I fo"nd it challenging99i en.oyed99i fo"nd
esson !lanner :
Assessment (trate&ies
$hat assessment strategies
are "sed thro"gho"t this
lesson7 These sho"ld be
closely aligned to yo"r
lesson aims 2ow yo" will
yo" record st"dent learning
4ompare what children knew at the beginning of the lesson with what they
fo"nd o"t at the end
Self#reflection# Invite the children to report on their own finding
,ecording children1s1 anecdotes
$ork samples
(hotos# constr"ction of e+periments
1ntrodce names again *Jeany and Se Na,
-efore activity% recap with children on Merri 4reek 4onservatory $alk )mphasis on how on the destination
there% we saw different types of plants ;trees% grass% flowers<
= $hat do plants need to grow7
= 2ow do they grow7
= 4an yo" name any of the plant parts7
= $hat is happening in the soil7
= 2ow do plants take in water7
S$lit the children into 2 gro$s o+ 23
4ive a brie+ introdction to ho! the e5$eriment !ill be condcted3
Let the children choose the color3
($$oint someone to collect the bea"er6 tisse and stra!3
Jeany and Se Na !ill !al" arond and assist3
The absor$tion !ill ta"e some time mean!hile tal" to the children on !hat they thin" is ha$$ening
= $hat is being observed here7
!sk on how do plants get water from the soil and "p to their leaves
Each children !ill be told to sel+ re+lect on their +inding by !riting or sharing !ith the class3
'o they li"e this "ind o+ teaching a$$roach3
( brie+ vie! on the ne5t activity *(ctivity 7,

esson !lanner 3

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