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Health Tips, Home Tips (Gharelo Totkay)

Desi Totkay in Urdu for Kidney Stone |

Gurday ki Pathri |
January 24, 2011 Afzal 23 omments
!atin"# $%4&! (42 'otes (ast)
)esi Totkay in *r+u for ,i+ney -tone . Gur+ay ki /athri . 01 23 45 617 , $%4 out of 10
8ase+ on 42 ratin"s
"ou #ay a$so $ike %
Treatment for 9atness . :otapa ke ;la< . *r+u Totkay for =ei"ht
>oss Ho= to !emo'e ?la(k -pots from 9a(e . hehre ke -iah )ha8e
)oor ,arna . *r+u Totkay for 9a(e Ho= to !emo'e )ark ir(les
*n+er @yes . Ankhon ke Gir+ HalAay ,hatam ,arna . ?eauty Totkay *r+u
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