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ChapLer 10

uncLuauon and CaplLallzauon

1hree Marks of !"# %&"'(&)*+".
%,-.+#/ - use aer a sLaLemenL or common
0&,/*+"/ 1)-2/ - use aL Lhe end of a dlrecL
quesuon, noL lndlrecL quesuons.
She asked me what caused the slide.
!3'4)1)*+" 5+."(/ - use aer a word or
group of words LhaL expresses sLrong feellng.
uon'L overwork lL or use double exclamauon
1he '+11) ls used Lo separaLe and seL o senLence
use a comma Lo separaLe maln clauses [olned by one
of Lhe coordlnaung con[uncuons!"#$% '()% (#$% *+,%
#$% -.,% /#
We went to the game, but it was cancelled.
use a comma aer long lnLroducLory modlers. 1he
modlers may be phrases or dependenL clauses.
Before she and I arrived, the meeting was called to

use a comma Lo separaLe words, phrases, and
clauses ln a serles.
He ran down the street, across the park, and into
the forest.

use a comma Lo separaLe coordlnaLe ad[ecuves noL
[olned by '() LhaL modlfy Lhe same noun.
I need a sturdy, reliable truck.
use a comma Lo separaLe senLence elemenLs LhaL
mlghL be mlsread.
Outside, the thunder rolled.

use commas Lo seL o nonessenual (unnecessary
for Lhe meanlng of Lhe senLence) words, phrases,
and clauses.
Maria, who studied hard, will pass.
use commas Lo seL o nouns used as dlrecL address.
What do you intend to do, Hamlet?

use commas Lo separaLe Lhe numbers
ln a daLe.
November 11, 1918, is a day worth remembering.

use commas Lo separaLe Lhe clLy from Lhe sLaLe. no
comma ls used beLween Lhe sLaLe and Lhe Zl code.
Boston, MA 02110
Commas Lxerclse
LxL8ClSL 1, g. 136
1he /,1.'+4+" lndlcaLes a longer pause and
sLronger emphasls Lhan Lhe comma. lL ls used
prlnclpally Lo separaLe maln clauses wlLhln a
use a semlcolon Lo separaLe maln clauses noL
[olned by a coordlnaung con[uncuon.

You must buy that car today; tomorrow will be too
use a semlcolon beLween Lwo maln clauses [olned
by a con[uncuve adverb (such as 0#1.2.$%
#,0.$13/.% ,0.$."#$.% /3435'$5-% 0.(6.% #( ,0. #,0.$
0'()% ,0.(% 6#(/.7+.(,5-% '66#$)3(85-% ,0+/).

It was very late; therefore, I remained at the hotel.
Semlcolon & Comma Lxerclse
Lxerclse 3, g. 161
LxL8ClSL # 2, C. 138
LxL8ClSL 3, #13-24 CnL?, C. 163

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