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Bookkeeping functions now can be handled by software
applications such as Quicken and Quickbooks.

The sales function is automated through contact
management sites such as SalesForce

Improved Sharing of Information
Technology allows information, whether written or broadcast, to be
shared more quickly and with fewer resources.

E-learning and other online training have reshaped the readiness of
the average small business workforce as employees can listen to
classroom lectures and share ideas with classmates anywhere.
Speed and Time
Small businesses compete with large businesses by being more
swift and respond to change faster than a large business.

With the advent of information technology, information is
shared at an astounding rate
Easier Storage
Technology also eliminates the need for double or triple entry systems
and reduces the need to file large amounts of paperwork.

Contracts and customer information can be stored in virtual data
warehouses in minutes, just to purchase or rent storage space.

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