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Bios 1083 Chapters 17-19 Worksheet Answers

1. What are Introns and Exons? Introns are non-coding regions of DNA and !ons are the coding
regions of DNA that code for proteins"
2. Describe the 3 stages of transcription.
A" Initiation# After $NA po%&'erase (inds to the )ro'oter* the DNA strands +nwind* and the
po%&'erase initiates $NA s&nthesis at the start point on the DNA ,e'p%ate -trand" -tart Codon is
B" %ongation# ,he po%&'erase 'o0es downstrea'* +nwinding DNA and e%ongating the $NA
transcript 12-32"
C. ,er'ination# 0ent+a%%&* the $NA transcript is re%eased at the stop codon and the po%&'erase
detaches fro' the DNA"
3. What is the function of the Spliceosome?
,he sp%iceoso'e sp%ices o+t the introns 3edits o+t4 fro' the e!ons for the processed '$NA" A CA) and
)o%& AAAA tai% is added which a%%ows the '$NA to %ea0e the n+c%e+s"
4. Ribosomes are made of _$i(oso'a% $NA and _)roteins arranged as a s'a%% s+(+nit and a %arge
mR! binds to the small subunit first then the large subunit "ill #oint to form the intact ribosome forming the
protein s$nthesis machine.
5. What is the anticodon?
,he t$NA carries the a'ino acid that is deter'ined (& the '$NA codon and the anticodon on the t$NA
to the ri(oso'e"
%. Describe the function of the &' ! and E sites in the translation of mR! into pol$peptides.
is the e!it site where the t$NA e!its the ri(oso'e
) is the site 3peptid&% t$NA (inding site on the ri(oso'e4 that ho%ds the t$NA carr&ing the growing
po%&peptide chain"
A is the site 3a'inoac&%-t$NA on the ri(oso'e4 that ho%ds the t$NA carr&ing the ne!t a'ino acid for
addition to the chain"
7. What is the function of the Signal Se(uence on the mR! and the Signal Recognition &rotein?
,he signa% se5+ence is trans%ated into the signa% peptide after the '$NA (inds to the ri(oso'e" ,he
-$) signa% recognition protein has a high affinit& for the -igna% )eptide which (inds to it" ,his signa%
co'p%e! (o+nd to the ri(oso'e wi%% now (ind to the -$) receptor on the ro+gh $ and the protein that is
(eing 'ade is trans%ocated into the $* where it wi%% s+(se5+ent%& (e transported 0ia a transport 0esic%e
to the /o%gi Apparat+s"
). Define the follo"ing t$pes of point mutations*point '+tations are when there is a sing%e (ase pair that
has changed in the codon"
Silent +utation A si%ent '+tation is a point '+tation in the DNA that res+%ts in a codon for the sa'e a'ino
acid as the origina% codon* th+s 'aking a nor'a% protein" D+e to the red+ndanc& of codons" 67 codons
a0ai%a(%e to code for 80 a'ino acids* 1 start codon and 7 stop codons"
onsense +utation A nonsense '+tation is when a point '+tation in the DNA res+%ts in a stop codon
for'ing right after the start codon"
+issense mutation A point '+tation in the DNA that res+%ts in a Codon that codes for a different a'ino
9" What are fra'eshift '+tations9 :ra'eshift '+tations are when a (ase pair is inserted or de%eted and
it changes the reading fra'e of the codons"
10" What is gene e!pression9 refers to the proteins that are being made in an$ particular cell t$pe.
,,. What are -perons? A series of genes for a specific pathwa& contro%%ed (& a sing%e pro'oter and
operator- the operator contro%s whether $NA )o%&'erase can (ind to the pro'oter to start transcription"
$epressor proteins can t+rn off the operator so that $NA po%&'erase cannot (ind to the pro'oter"
,.. What regulates the operons?
,he operator contro%s whether an operon is t+rned on or off for transcription"
13" What is the difference bet"een a repressible operon and an inducible operon? A repressi(%e operon is
a%wa&s t+rned on to 'ake a necessar& prod+ct i"e" ,r&ptophan" When the prod+ct tr&ptophan (+i%ds +p*
it (inds to a repressor as the corepressor* which t+rns off 3represses4 the operon (& (inding to the
operator and pre0enting $NA po%&'erase fro' (inding to perfor' transcription"
An ind+ci(%e operon is a%wa&s t+rned off;the repressor is (o+nd to the operator* +n%ess so'ething
ind+ces the operator to t+rn it on" A%%o%actose (inds to the repressor and this then re'o0es it fro' the
operator* t+rning on the operon"
,/. What are transcription factors?
,ranscription factors are s'a%% proteins that (ind to the genes in the pro'oter region* which a%%ows $NA
po%&'erase to (ind and start transcription"

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