Chapter - 19 20 Worksheet

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Bios 1083 Worksheet Chapters 19 and 20

1.What are the differences between the lytic and lysogenic cycle of a virs!
2. What type of virs "#$% or &$%" is 'ore likely to 'tate the fastest!
3. What is a reco'binant virs!
3. What are genetic 'arkers and how are they sed for (ingerprint &$%!
). $a'e two vectors sed to 'ake transgenic *reco'binant+ organis's!
,. What are plas'ids!
-. .'bryonic ste' cells are derived fro' the Blastocyst *also called a
What is a Blastocyst!
/. $a'e the 3 0er' layers and what they for'.
8. What are restriction en1y'es!
9. &escribe the steps of ani'al cloning.

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