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170912/JW/T0316/Soal08 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R4

Halaman :1dari 3
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Soal Praktikum
Practicum Case

Sistem Operasi

Teknik Informatika
Computer Science
Periode Berlaku Semester Ganjil 2012/2013
Valid on Odd Semester Year 2012/2013
Revisi 00
Revision 00
Tujuan Instruksional Khusus
Special Instructional Course
Apply the services and support provided by the operating system in the design of multi-tasking
Demonstrate different techniques of the design of the Operating System
Explain the concept of each of the components of the Operating Systems
Pokok Bahasan
Subject Discussion
Memory Management
Shared Memory
Using vmstat and free
Using shared memory in two or more processes
Application of the concept of semaphore
Understanding the use of semaphore in the process
Application of the concept of semaphore and shared memory
Using shared memory and semaphore in a process
Threads and Semaphore
Understanding the concept of thread
Understanding the differences in thread and process
Applying thread in the program
Applying thread and semaphore

1. Program Listing below is an implementation of using semaphore and parent and child concept.
Describe the process of that program!
170912/JW/T0316/Soal08 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R4

Halaman :2dari 3
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170912/JW/T0316/Soal08 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R4

Halaman :3dari 3
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2. The created semaphore will have a value. Explain what will happen if the semaphore has a
positive or negative value!
3. Is a function semop returning a value? If yes, what value is returned?
4. Explain the purpose of the function semctl!
5. Mention the benefits of command IPC_RMID and SETVAL at function semctl!
6. Identify how to create and run 2 operators on the semaphore!

If someone does not understand ask your assistant!

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